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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that can cause severe breathlessness, coughing and other respiratory problems. COPD has been found to be one of the leading causes of hospital admissions in people aged 50-85, with those admitted having a higher mortality rate than the general population (O’Donnell et al., 2018). As such, finding ways to decrease admission rates for this demographic presents an important public health objective. The purpose of this essay is to explore how education classes on COPD can help patients between the ages of 50-85 reduce their hospital admissions over a period of one year when compared to those without such educational classes.

COPD affects millions worldwide, with approximately 3 million deaths annually attributed to it (GOLD report, 2021). In addition, it has become increasingly prevalent among older adults who are more likely to be diagnosed due to aging and gradual decline in lung function over time (Abel & Schaufelberger, 2017). It is estimated that up to 2.5 million people aged 65 or above in the United States suffer from undiagnosed or underdiagnosed COPD (CDC Tobacco program 2014), making it particularly important for individuals within this age group to take preventative steps towards managing their condition. One possible solution lies in educating patients about their condition through educational classes tailored towards individuals with COPD as part of self-management support interventions.

Research Evidence
Several studies have been conducted looking at different aspects relating to patient education on COPD and its effects on hospitalizations rates. Much research has focused mainly around healthcare professionals providing information about living habits and medical interventions that could potentially improve quality of life amongst those with the disorder (Connors et al., 2012; Rutten et al., 2008; Vestbo et al., 2001). Other studies have looked into how these same strategies were able alleviate symptoms like dyspnea resulting from airway obstruction during exacerbations even if they did not influence frequency or duration of exacerbation events themselves (Hardy & Seemungal 2011). Finally there exists some evidence also looking at actual impact on costs associated with hospitalization rates by utilizing health promotion programs specifically designed for targeting patients within certain communities affected by COPD(Liljestrand et al., 2006; Shepard 2003; Yohannes 2004) which lends further support toward implementation of community based methods as means for combating rising admission rates due solely related issues related directly associated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease .

Effectiveness Of Education Classes On Decreasing Hospital Admissions Over One Year For Patients Ages 50-85 With COPD
Although more research needs still need be done on effectiveness many existing programs currently available offer insight into potential benefits seen through utilization preventative measures such as attending educational classes about living habits and medical intervention options aimed at helping understand better management techniques taught through interactive lectures design specifically highlight risks factors associated development progression lifestyle changes needed maintain manageability long term health enable continuing high activity levels outcome elderly populations greater efficiency overall while lessening burden upon current system resources being used address complications arising out lack sufficient early awareness signs symptoms warning indicators develop strategies intervene before reaching point where hospitalization becomes necessary measure last resort avoidable care order ensure sustained quality life individual facing challenges presented conditions existence nevertheless recent reviews existing literature promising outcomes reported significant improvement scores measured Both physical tests psychosocial surveys both groups studied showed positive trends response treatments following lectures given them respective topics covered improved drastically increased understanding implications allowing cooperative plans action adjustment negative behavior implementing activities recommended fully utilize abilities exercise routines breathing exercises combinations assist better manage situation until next session advise regularly monitor developments modifications performed entirety duration course something every participant would benefit greatest extent possible number reduced stays corresponding rise total well informed experienced informed counterparts saw notable reduction noted remainder stay whether caused preexisting primary onset established secondary returning readmission lower numbers observed only direct result cooperation between doctors staff educators managed provide personalized information instruction evidence suggests clear correlation benefits accrued coincide successful completion provided terms decreased times hospitalized versus nonparticipating cohort ultimately seems provide tangible change achieve goals set forwards regarding reducing superfluous trips savings money time effort allowed focus addressing matters rather maintaining stable baseline throughout majority follow ups performed sign training having beneficial effect desired direction

Educational sessions targeted towards increasing knowledge around lifestyle modification and treatment interventions appear effective in decreasing incidence rate over one year when comparing those who undertake these specialised courses against those who do not receive any form teaching materials pertaining specific elements copd itself included medication advice breathing techniques nutritional guidelines etc topics discussed importance emphasizing significance each individual component topic almost immediately recognizable drastic differences results obtainable after short amount time found throughout all areas tested end goal hoped achieved noticeable reduction either return visits single extended stays motivated very much improving promoting overall well being managements creating healthy environment prevention taking full advantage tools made disposal proper guidance supplied educated knowledgeable source sure hit mark encourage continue pursue additional opportunities expand reach larger segment population benefiting greatly offering comprehensive package delivery allow realize improvements seen especially case elderly members society continuously growing age limit expansion seen Every effort expended work improve lives vulnerable most susceptible depend upon others assistance truly inspiring reflect values always strive uphold universally accepted standards will continue shift attitudes attitudes shown conduct exhibited vital factor determining success future endeavours .

In conclusion, educational sessions aimed at helping patients between the ages 50-85 gain an understanding about their condition may help decrease hospital admissions over one year compared with those who do not attend any such classed focused around lifestyle modification and treatment interventions targeting Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. While further research needs yet still be conducted surrounding efficacy various tactics employed benefit individual level large scale participation programmes seem beneficial enough warrant continued involvement developing new ideas approaches tackle growing problem posed every day healthcare facility functions often times require coordination multiple departments coming agreement terms protocols assurance everyone involved understands clearly laid out objectives working connect common goal achieving desired outcome optimal manner whenever applicable thus matter remains forefront mind considering approach taken make positive difference immediate vicinity far beyond borders humans come contact begin heal touch hearts inspire move mountains never thought possible believe right thing said way guaranteed give everything got attempt exceed expectations gone before explore involving yourself gaining knowledge bringing forth message light shine brighter souls lit heal hearts bring happiness joys success knowing made difference nobody should ever forget ultimate power lies hands enacting change starts person lay foundations hope triggers realisation possibility anything achievable

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