1st Reading: Weiss (2020): Comparative Democratic Theory Datei and Youngs, Richard (2015): The Puzzle of
Non-Western Democracy- Question: „What actually distinguishes non-Western models of democracy from a
Western one?“
2nd Readings: Guilhot, Nicolas (2005): The Democracy Makers: Human Rights and the Politics of Global
Crouch, Colin (2000): Coping with post-democracy. London : Fabian Society Datei
Optional/additional: Massad, Joseph (2002): Re-Orienting Desire: The Gay International and the Arab World
Question: We have identified historicizing as one major strategy against Eurocentrism. What examples of
historicizing do you find in the texts of Crouch, Guilhot, and Massad?
3rd Readings: Schaffer, Frederic Charles (1998): Democracy in Translation. Understanding Politics in an
Unfamiliar Culture. Datei
Kerner, Ina (2018): Beyond Eurocentrism: Trajectories towards a renewed political and social theory. Datei
Isakhan, Benjamin (2016) : Eurocentrism and the history of Democracy.
4th Readings: Dallmayr, Fred (2004): Beyond Monologue: For a Comparative Political Theory. Datei
March, Andrew F. (2009): What Is Comparative Political Theory?
Sample Solution