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The purpose of this study was to examine whether healthy eating habits could be promoted through advertising messages. Laney et al. (2008) hypothesized that exposure to health related advertisements lead to increased knowledge and awareness about nutrition, healthier attitudes towards food choices, and improved dietary behaviors. The authors conducted two experiments focusing on the effectiveness of persuasive communication in promoting healthy eating among college students.

In the first experiment, a focus group of 20 college students were asked about their current knowledge and attitudes concerning healthy eating as well as their understanding of various health-related terms presented in advertisements. This helped the researchers identify any preexisting biases or preconceptions held by participants regarding health-related concerns. In the second experiment, these same participants were given an advertisement containing information either emphasizing the importance of healthy eating or discussing unhealthy eating habits with no explicit promotion for healthier options. Participants were then asked questions about their opinion on nutritional topics and to make food selections that identified both unhealthy and healthy options.

The results from Experiment 1 indicated that prior knowledge did not significantly influence perceptions regarding nutritional issues; however, overall attitude towards healthy foods was more positive than those toward junk foods (p < .001). In Experiment 2, it was found that those exposed to the message emphasizing healthy food made significantly more “healthy” choices than those exposed to the control condition (p < .01). Furthermore, there appeared to be some effect on attitude change after viewing ads promoting healthier options rather than those without such a message (p < .05). Overall, these findings suggest that persuasive messaging can help increase awareness for making better dining decisions when compared with simply providing general information about different types of foods.

This study highlights how persuasive communication can help promote healthier diets among college students by raising awareness concerning smart dietary practices. The results indicate that exposure to ads which bolster benefits associated with beneficial dietary habits may help reduce negative attitudes associated with unhealthy foods even if there is existing prior knowledge on nutrition topics within this age group. These findings may provide insights into effective methods for tackling public health challenges among young adults who are often unaware or lack adequate motivation for following through with good dietary decisions in order to improve their overall well-being over time

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