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Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns is a model of assessment developed by Marjorie Gordon that includes 11 different patterns: health perception/health management, nutritional/metabolic, elimination, activity/exercise, sleep/rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception/self-concept, role relationship, sexual behavior and values/beliefs. This framework can be used to assess the physical and mental health of clients as well as their development in various stages. By using this approach one can identify potential problems in individual development and provide appropriate interventions for those areas.

The growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers at different ages can be compared using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Toddlers are constantly growing and changing; even small differences between children born just months apart may result in significantly different abilities and milestones achieved within the same age range.

Health Perception & Management: The ability to recognize when something is wrong with their body or environment will develop differently depending on the age of the toddler. Older toddlers may begin to understand simple concepts like ‘pain’ or ‘tiredness’ while younger toddlers may have difficulty expressing any sort of discomfort or distress verbally. As they get older they may begin to take part in basic self-care behaviors such as brushing teeth or bathing independently with supervision.

Nutritional & Metabolic: Generally speaking an older toddler will demonstrate more efficient oral feeding skills than a younger one due to increased motor coordination from development over time; however, if there are any issues related to food such as allergies then these should be addressed appropriately regardless of age. Additionally an older toddler may have begun experimenting with finger foods but for a younger child it is important that all food still be cut into small pieces due to choking risks associated with certain items like grapes or hot dogs which are common choking hazards for young children who haven’t yet learned how best to chew them up properly before swallowing them whole.

Elimination: Younger toddlers often require assistance when it comes to toilet training (or more accurately learning proper bowel control). An older toddler on the other hand should already know how best to use the bathroom without help from adults unless there are underlying medical issues preventing them from doing so efficiently by themselves – e.g., constipation which could indicate dietary changes need taking place too if necessary for example replacing cow’s milk based products with soy alternatives etcetera…

Activity & Exercise: Physical activities become increasingly complex as children grow older; for instance jumping off furniture might not be suitable behaviour for infants but becomes commonplace once mobility increases amongst 12 month olds – although obviously close supervision must remain at all times! Regardless both sets of toddlers should receive frequent opportunities throughout the day where they can run around freely outdoors (weather permitting) explore new environments safely indoors either through playgroups etcetera but most importantly have fun whilst doing so!

Sleep & Rest: A key factor distinguishing between sets of babies here would likely lie within napping routines – potentially combined schedules including awake periods during specific times followed by nap periods elsewhere throughout each 24 hour cycle – although again precise timings depend greatly upon individual circumstances unique only unto themselves! Similarly night time sleeping also differs according amount prior exposure experienced within infancy – some babies fall asleep easily whereas others struggle adapt accordingly leading possible parents needing facilitate this process moving forward until realisation eventually reaches point whereby comfortable independent restful nights occur naturally…

Cognitive Perceptual: Cognitive perceptual capabilities vary considerably between individuals dependent upon their own particular stage(s) towards overall maturity.. Typically younger babies lack comprehension surrounding abstract concepts; instead focussing much moreso upon basic needs i .e .eating , drinking , going potty etc during early days… Gradually greater understanding shall emerge overtime via additional influences emanating primarily external sources i .e .peers , teachers etc consequentially contributing larger collective tangible knowledge base… Before long general recognition across multiple topics will exist ranging anywhere Bats Biomes right through Zoology!

Self Perception / Self Concept : Awareness pertaining personal identity typically develops alongside psychosocial maturation gradually enabling baby comprehend his / her own feelings thoughts desires wantsactions preferences attitudes standpoints decisions et cetera .. Therefore consideration must always given respective environment existing situation allow appropriate avenues exploration experimentation investigationtake place optimally fostering constructive positive outlook regard life future plans aspirations dreams hopes wishes goals objectives … Furthermore sense autonomy results concretely credible constructively manageable capacity deal objectively effectively challenging situations arise …Role Relationship : Appropriate quality quantity interaction enable infant progress expectantly positive manner essential element successful relationships socialization aspect human life … Ideally parent guardians protect encourage ensure safety security presence extend beyond infancy teenage years adulthood encouraging healthy attachments levels forming basis happy productive lifespan …Sexual Behavior : Sexual behavior considered controversial area parenting domains since opinion varies widely relation suitability level information discussion provided youngster .. However majority experts advise least minimal communication initiated highlighting importanceself image confidence awareness boundaries respect consent decision making processes et cetera ..Values Beliefs : Religious spiritual beliefs serve foundation moral educational guidance upbringing shape personality character traits influence world view overall functioning …. Understandably early stages encouragement presented terms powerful stories games songs rhymes dance music art craft activities meant introduce concept idea slowly without overwhelming child excessively pressurizing emotions thus allowing said ideals sink profoundly deep rooted purposeful fashion creating lasting impressions providing solid foundations building blocks healthy adulthood ahead ….In conclusion while evaluating growth developmental patterns two toddlers different ages utilizing Gordon Functional Health Patterns provides useful insight valuable comparison means understanding nature progression systemically monitored required order provide appropriate holistic care intervention needed ensuring optimal outcomes desired

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