This is not a research paper. Do not use outside sources. The thinking and writing are to be your own. Choose
one of the great issues regularly addressed in the course (good and evil). Trace and assess the treatment of
your chosen great issue (good and evil) in the works used in this course. The discussion is to focus on the
treatment of the great issue by the sources and not how it might appear to the student. The sources should be
summarized only with respected to the great issue, analyzed, critiqued and compared. Patterns or spectrums
should be identified. The discussion should not be a listing of how each source treated the issue but rather how
the issue was treated over time by various sources. Please remember that some sources might address an
issue directly while others may do so incidentally or indirectly. Some may be totally irrelevant to the issue and
should be omitted! Also, this part of the paper is to be comprehensive and not a sampling or cherry picking of
the material. Works/sources used in this course (to assess great issue to) are included in the flies below and
pertain to the Industrial Capitalism, Social Darwinism, Modern Mind, Early 20th Century Political Ideologies,
and the Contemporary World eras.
Part II – Your own opinion on the Great Issue. Present your own understanding of the great issue. Relate your
position on the issue to the main observations in Part I. Where do your views fit into the centuries-old
discussions of the issue?
Mandatory Structure:
Brief Introduction – every paper needs “bookends” This is the first bookend.
Part 1: Examination of the Sources
Part 2: Your Personal Views on the chosen Great Issue (good and evil)
Brief Conclusion – the second “bookend”