Identifications: Briefly identify the following significant terms, using full sentences with fact in your completed answers posting on this course website (60 points)
1. alluvial fan
2. autonomous region
3. Common wealth of Independent States (CIS)
4. steppe
5. desertification
6. Aral Sea
7. Taliban
8. Pashtun
9. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
10. The New Silk Road
11. tsunami
12. China Proper
13. Taiwan
14. Hong Kong and Macao
15. ideographic writing
16. loess
17. One Belt One Road
18. Deng Xiaoping
19. Juche
20. hikikomori
21. caste system
22. Jainism
23. Hinduism
24. Buddhism
25. The Green Revolution
26. Indian Subcontinent
27. Jammu-Kashmir
28. Maoism
29. Sikhism
30. linguistic nationalism
II. Essay: answer the following essay question, using full sentences and paragraphs with fact in your posting of completed answers (40 points) (400 words)
One of the main themes of the textbook is globalization. In the three areas studied in the aforementioned chapters reviewed in this final examination, some have argued that globalization has been a positive development while other have suggested that it is in fact a new “social imperialism” or has at the very least upset the natural geopolitics in favor of outside Powers. From an objective standpoint, one can certainly conclude that these regions have progressed since World War II given prominent examples such as India and China. Can the merits of such argument be countered or supported?