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Apple Inc. is one of the world’s largest technology companies and has a presence in many countries around the globe. The international trade system and economic, political-legal, and cultural environments have been pivotal to its success as an international marketer. Apple has taken advantage of global markets for production and distribution, allowing it to take full advantage of economies of scale with its products. In essence, Apple engages in global marketing by reaching out to consumers across different cultures and countries where their needs are met through localized strategies.

The political-legal environment that Apple operates in can have a significant impact on its ability to deliver goods or services into certain markets. For example, governments may implement regulations that restrict the importation or exportation of goods into a country which could prevent Apple from bringing its latest products into some regions if not adequately prepared for these sorts of rules before entering a new market. From a cultural perspective, Apple must be mindful when operating within foreign countries as there is potential risk associated with not understanding what local customers want or need from their products and services – this is especially true if they are targeting younger consumers who often have nuanced tastes based on their culture.

It is feasible for companies to become global marketers but certain industries seem better suited for this than others due to the nature of their product offerings or size/scope of operations involved. Industries such as consumer electronics, fashion apparel/accessories, luxury goods/services tend to be well-suited towards becoming global marketers because these industries require less adaptation when trying to enter new markets compared with other sectors like automotive manufacturing which requires greater adherence to foreign laws (and thus higher costs) when attempting expansion beyond domestic boundaries.

Marketing practices can create entry barriers for other firms as it can create an uneven playing field where larger organizations possess more resources at their disposal than smaller rivals do – meaning they can use strategic advertising campaigns or methods like price discrimination which will eventually push competitors out of business due lack capital needed in order keep up with them on even footing (or lack thereof). Overall these kinds of tactics are generally seen by consumers in negative light since they limit competition which leads lower prices being charged resulting in poorer quality goods being sold instead – thus leading users having fewer choices overall regarding who they obtain similar items from while also paying more money than necessary too since most companies will set prices close maximum levels allowed by law so maximize profits instead sharing pricing benefits between buyers & sellers whenever possible (i..e discounts).

In terms of social responsibility efforts made my Apple Inc., the company strives promote sustainability throughout all aspects its operations globally – regardless whether it involves design & development processes related devices produced by firm itself or those undertaken within supply chain ecosystem partners whom provide materials & components used make up hardware connected products sold respective stores worldwide today . Accordingly company implements initiatives focus reducing carbon footprint created during manufacturing process; reusing packaging materials whenever possible (which also helps reduce expenses); partnering environmentally conscious suppliers monitor emissions output; utilizing renewable energy sources satisfy operational needs; encouraging recycling programs improve lifespan existing equipment recycled metals plastics rather using newly mined ones save resources natural habitats nearby; carrying certifications standards verifying environmental performance ensuring compliance legal regulations governing industrial activities protect ecosystems surrounding facilities among many other measures taken maintain highly ethical status corporate level community stakeholders affected daily operations business too . All said done seemingly clear why believe corporation invests significantly time effort ensure able help create cleaner healthier planet increasingly interconnected populous collective knowledge awareness changing course current situation society benefit every person life matters strive return favor progressive manner always gives back whatever takes away lead positive changes quite inspiring innovation way forward humanity innovate sustainably together future generations grow flourish safely secure adequate living conditions enjoy same privileges we ourselves benefited over years before them pass legacy onto better place coming years follow knowing did best bring everyone closer cooperation conservation during journey

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