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The purpose of this paper is to outline a new educational model that could be implemented globally. This model draws from different educational systems and includes characteristics that are appropriate for a global model. It will provide benefits, address emerging issues in restructuring and reforming schools, and discuss the challenges associated with its implementation.

Educational models vary around the world depending on cultural values, economic resources, and local histories. Different countries have developed their own approaches to teaching based on what works best for them (Mankiw & Taylor 2018). In recent years there have been an increased focus on developing global models of education that better reflect the needs of students in an increasingly interconnected world (Kumar 2012; Mankiw & Taylor 2018). The need for such models has become even more apparent as the coronavirus pandemic has led to disruptions in traditional schooling systems across the globe.

This new global educational model will draw from existing education approaches across different countries to create something unique but also effective in fostering learning among students worldwide. The following characteristics have been chosen due to their success when applied in other contexts: constructivist pedagogy, personalization of instruction, emphasis on collaboration and technology-based learning tools (Gros 2017; Liyanage et al., 2020; Kumar 2020). Constructivism is an approach to learning which emphasizes active exploration over passive collection of facts (Liyanage et al., 2020). Personalized instruction focuses on individual student needs instead of delivering one-size-fits-all curriculum content (Kumar 2020). Collaboration is important because it encourages students to work together towards common goals and learn from each other’s perspectives (Gros 2017). Finally, technology can be used as an effective tool for delivering personalized instruction while also providing opportunities for online collaboration with peers from other parts of the world (Kumar 2012). These elements form the basis upon which this new global educational model can be built upon.

This new global educational model presents several potential benefits compared to traditional school systems. Firstly, it would enable more personalized instruction since teachers could tailor course content according to individual student needs instead of having one standard curriculum for all learners. Secondly, this approach would foster greater collaboration among students by allowing them engage with peers located in different parts of the world through shared projects or activities facilitated by technology (Kumar 2012; Gros 2017) Thirdly, by introducing constructivist pedagogy into classrooms teachers would be able to facilitate inquiry-based learning aimed at stimulating critical thinking rather than merely regurgitating facts taught during lessons (Liyanage et al., 2020) Finally this new model could help bridge gaps between accesses levels by using technologies such as video conferencing or virtual field trips so that children living in remote areas can still benefit from quality education without needing physical presence at school buildings everyday.( Liyanage et al.,2020 ).

Addressing Emerging Issues
In order for any new educational system or program delivery methodologiesto gain acceptance it must first address emerging issues present within current structures . One key issue facing many schools today include budget constraints leading resource allocation decisions being made primarily out cost considerations rather than effectiveness( Angeli & Valanides 2009 ; Bressington 2014 ) . A second important issue involves inequities among minority populations especially those related socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds who disproportionately lack access high quality education reflective socioeconomic status( Chizari 2019 ). And finally ,thereis growing concern about poor job prospects facing young people today due high unemployment rates despite higher level qualifications those seeking employment( Martinovic 2016 ) . Therefore our proposededucationalmodel shouldaimtoaddress eachthese threeissues through innovative ways incorporating elements discussed previously likepersonalized instructions ,collaborativelearning ,and useoftechnologyasacosteffectivetoolforsupportingdiverse rangepopulations .

Challenges Althoughthisnewmodelissuretobebeneficialwhenitcomesimplementation faceseveralchallengesfirstofwhichisthelackofresourcesfinancialtechnical neededdevelopsystemwideinfrastructureandreformexistingcurriculumcontentsthatwouldsuitneedsproposedprogramme .Furthermore thereneedbesufficient trainingforthoseinvolvedinorderensurethattheeducationbeing delivered meetsstandardspromisedbythenewglobalmodel secondlytherisingcosttuition feesassociatedwithinstitutionsseekingadoptthisapproachmightpreventmanystudentsfromaccessingsuchopportunitiesduefinancialconstraints lastlypoliticalresistancebothnationallocalebenevelsmaypresentahurdleforimplementationprocess sincethereuncertaintywhethergovernmentswillembracechangeandsupportinnovationschooling practicesoriftheywillrevertbacktraditionalmethodsastheyhaveinthepast few decades(Bruno 2011 ; Turley&Dawson2016 ) .

Conclusion In conclusion ,we’ve outlined aneweducationalmodeltobeimplementedgloballythatdrawscharacteristicsfromdifferenteducationsystemsthroughouttheworld orderfacilitatelearningamongstdisparategroupsvariousbackgroundsand capabilitieswhileaddressingemergingissuesrelatedtopoorperformancebudget constraintsandinequitiesamongminoritygroups .Howevercertainchallengespresentthemselvesregardingresourceallocationscostimplicationsandperhapsmostimportantlypoliticalresistancewhichmustovercome ifthisproposedmodeltohaveanychanceatbecomingreality future generationsaroundtheglobecouldbenefitfromhigherqualityeducationaccesibleeveryone regardlesssocioeconomicstatusorlocationwithinwordwithouthavingtotravel greatdistancestoreceivesuchopportunities

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