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The purpose of this paper is to examine the creation of a new global educational model that incorporates characteristics from various educational systems in an effort to meet the needs of students and teachers around the world. An examination of relevant literature will allow for an understanding of why certain characteristics have been chosen and what benefits can be expected from such a model. In addition, this paper will discuss how this new model could address emerging issues in restructuring and reforming schools as well as potential challenges that may be encountered when it is implemented.

Rationale for Incorporating Chosen Characteristics
In order to create a global education system, it is important to ensure that all students are given access to quality education regardless of their location or socio-economic background. To accomplish this goal, there must be elements within the system that promote equity, inclusion, and respect for diversity among all individuals involved (Tuttle & Tuttle 2013). Furthermore, a holistic approach should also be taken which recognizes the importance of physical health and emotional wellbeing alongside academic development (Aitken et al 2018). Additionally, these characteristics must also strive towards increasing student engagement by providing them with meaningful experiences through real-world learning opportunities (Hattie et al 2016). The following section provides information on how incorporating these qualities into a global educational model will benefit both students and teachers alike.

Benefits Of A New Global Model
The incorporation of equity-focused initiatives into a global educational system would lead to improved outcomes for disadvantaged students who may otherwise find themselves excluded due to factors such as race or poverty (Yazbeck 2015). In addition, introducing elements such as physical activities or extracurricular programs designed with holistic values in mind would help foster greater wellbeing among students ensuring they are able to perform at their best academically while being healthy physically and emotionally (Karpinski 2014). Moreover, providing hands-on learning experiences allows students to apply what they have learned in class and make connections between their everyday lives outside school whilst engaging more deeply with content material thus fostering deeper understanding (Smith & Carini 2017). Finally, incorporating real world experience through internships or job shadowing helps prepare young people for life after graduation by giving them exposure to different career paths before making any decisions regarding higher education (Lavey et al 2017), ultimately allowing them more freedom when deciding on future plans.
Consequently making sure each student receives equal opportunity despite his/her background remains fundamental when creating any new international framework highlighting the need for balanced policies based on fairness instead of traditional methods driven by economic interests not aligning with those objectives. It therefore requires governments around the globe working together alongside civil society organisations such as non governmental organisation / NGOs , think tanks , specialised agencies amongst many others so that proper discussion takes place leading eventually towards consensus building across nations . This way we can ensure suitable governance taking shape guaranteeing rights similar standards universally applicable worldwide .

How Your Model Will Address Emerging Issues And Restructuring Schools?
Creating an equitable environment within every classroom is essential for long lasting positive change especially when seeking solutions related towards addressing existing structural issues faced by our modern day public institutions . For instance current research suggests correlation exists between gender disparities found inside classrooms yet particularly compounded further amongst vulnerable societies where cultural norms prevail making progress against gender equality extremely difficult if not impossible due attend lack resources required aid implementation necessary strategies resulting improving conditions accordingly . By developing innovative inclusive approaches targeting discrimination based parameters associated female learners empowering women playing critical role enhancing overall academic performance equipping wider population better capability handling future endeavours successively contributes sustainable growth economies currently experiencing social upheaval political unrest threatening stability existence planet itself ultimately pointing out importance impact investment human capital holds present days

Challenges Of Implementing This New Model Globally?
Although having a uniform structure governing international education appears initially desirable due its purported benefits mentioned previously implementing proposed scheme raises several challenging questions specifically surrounding cost effectiveness larger implications varying policy initiatives adopted countries belonging regions encompassing entire world potentially inhibiting practicality scale necessary large scale restructuring required achieving desired results envisaged outset journey . Another major point worth considering involves language barrier since vast majority individuals speak native tongues likely deviating standardisation procedure dedicated curbing impediment arising difficulties communication purposes hindering free flowing exchange ideas concepts needed reinforcing fundamentals behind newly created universal education infrastructure finally playing integral part reaching resolution even highly controversial contentious matters raised conflicting opinions wide range stakeholders involved process .

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