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In the 21st century, education has become a key factor in determining economic and social development. Education plays a vital role in ensuring that individuals have the tools they need to succeed and contribute positively to their communities. As such, there is an urgent need for educational models that are suitable for global implementation, as current models can no longer provide adequate solutions to issues of education reform and restructuring. This paper will discuss the creation of a new educational model that could be implemented globally, incorporating characteristics from different educational systems that were researched in Weeks 5 and 6. The rationale for incorporating these chosen characteristics will also be discussed, along with the benefits of this new global model and how it would address emerging issues in restructuring and reforming schools. Finally, possible challenges this new model may encounter when implemented will be explored.

Rationale for Incorporating Chosen Characteristics
When creating this new global model for education reform and restructuring, certain characteristics must be taken into consideration. One such characteristic is student-centered learning (SCL), which focuses on students’ individual needs rather than traditional teaching methods by providing more personalized instruction tailored to each student’s unique learning style (Lipsky & Gartner 1996). SCL has been found to improve overall academic performance while reducing disciplinary problems (Blumberg et al., 2016). Another important characteristic is teacher professionalization—the process of increasing teachers’ qualifications through continuous training programs or certifications so they can better meet students’ needs (Hattie & Rowe 2008). By professionalizing teachers, not only do students benefit from increased knowledge transfer but also from improved attitudes toward teaching (Kennedy 2020). In addition to SCL and teacher professionalization, cultural responsiveness should also be incorporated into this new global model since it provides educators with strategies to enhance classroom diversity by promoting equity among all cultures represented in school environments (Garcia 2008). This entails understanding different cultures’ values, beliefs, customs and practices so that lesson plans can better reflect student backgrounds when addressing important topics like civil rights or gender equality (Kirshner et al., 2006). Therefore acknowledging different cultural backgrounds help ensure equal access to quality education regardless of one’s background or identity.

Benefits of New Global Model
The incorporation of these three characteristics into a single system offers numerous advantages over existing models due to its holistic approach towards improving student outcomes both academicallyand socially. Firstly Student-Centered Learning allows students more flexibility regarding their own learning preferences instead relying solely on traditional lecture-based classrooms which lack significant interaction between instructors ans students(Xu 2009) resulting in decreased engagement during lessons . Additionally , SCL promotes higher order thinking skills by placing greater emphasis on problem solving critical analysis skills , thereby allowing learners gain deeper insights about topics being discussed . Furthermore Teacher Professionalization allows instructors obtain up-to date information needed effectively teach modern curriculum material while building strong meaningful relationships with their pupils .Lastly Cultural Responsiveness ensures all cultures represented within any given school environment are equally respected , creating accepting climate high expectations amongst minority groups who often face disproportionate amount scrutiny judgement throughout public schooling system . Together these three factors work hand side create truly inclusive education experience where every voice heard mattering equally towards goal success achieving highest standards excellence possible .

How Model Would Address Emerging Issues
In recent years globalization has led rise various reforms necessary make sure our current educational institutions remain competitive international market place although according OECD report “Education at Glance 2017 ”country average expenditure per pupil still far below developed nations like United States Japan Australia etc..This means less money available causes strain funding resources resulting outdated infrastructure understaffed buildings deterioration school grounds shortage materials required offer comprehensive classes subjects topic related technology industry …..etc …Therefore implementing proposed globalist approach would allow restructure existing administrative structures reallocate budgets utilizing best practices adopted especially countries mentioned earlier fundamentally changing way institution operates well expanding opportunity potentials within community large ….Finally developing cross curricular projects designed bridge gaps between foreign nations allow closer collaboration research ideas theories thus making easier communicate exchange data share experiences collaborate develop common goals promote collective progress integration harmonious societies across continents world round ..

Challenges When Implemented
Despite clear advantages outlined above implementation any type sweeping reform bound come without obstacles difficulties some examples posed include resistance change difficulty adjusting long held traditions learned methods adapt newer approaches as well cost associated introducing changes within educational establishments reluctance government agencies implement regulation changes required carry out proposed plan …To prepare faced faced upcoming challenges newly formed organization need take into account risks involved create contingency plans loss occurrences mitigate them worst case scenarios arise enabling swift recovery stalemate situations result minimal disruptions entire operation shortest time frame possible …Above all else educating staff members regarding importance concept sustainability educate them about potential implications could arise if not fully understand embrace ethos behind entire philosophy central core mission statement draft policy must recognized acknowledged adopted accordingly order move ahead smoothly from hereon further ensure smooth transition practicable objectives postulated plan achieved satisfying manner ….Conclusion ……In conclusion it clear necessity establish viable alternative standard public school systems exists today necessary maintain relevancy relevance face fast paced ever changing informational age ..It imperative government bodies recognize fact build upon solid foundations created thus far push boundaries redefine limits set themselves aim reach beyond what thought previously impossible ..By combining tenets established successful programs around globe constructing cohesive framework suitable mass application worldwide many aspects lives citizens improved exponentially taking steps put properly executed actionable plan motion lead brighter tomorrow everyone….References ….

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