Gamification is the introduction of game mechanics and ways of game design in a non-gaming context. In the main, it means the adoption of the main
parts of games, such as design, entertainment and rivalry, and using it through gaming machines, such as glasses, badges and tables of favorites.
For this task, you should select a company/organization of your choice and develop a gamification strategy.
Your goals and objectives for this strategy must be clearly and specifically described (e.g. “Changing company culture by…”, “Increase cooperation
between departments and team silos”, “Understanding behavior or impact of new connected customers”, etc.
Despite the fact that you could probably visualize in your own mind when you hear the term “Gamification”, it’s not elementary fun that is built for
business goals. Gamification is all about expanding the implementation of an already existing experiment or process in a commercial, and not in the
development of something new from zero.
Your report should include:
A brief description of what the company does and its market.
What you want to achieve with this gamification strategy and why.
The plan of action, the steps you will take, estimated time spans etc.
Key messages to transmit.
Key metrics by which you will measure success or failure.
An indication of the resources you need to dedicate to it.