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Standards (CCSS) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA).

Slide 1: Introduction of the Presentation
Slide 2: Goals of CCSS
Slide 3: Underlying Assumptions of CCSS
Slide 4: Function of CCSS in Districts & Alignment with District & State Standards
Slide 5: Measurements of CCSS
Slide 6: Goals of SBA
Slide 7: Underlying Assumptions of SBA
Slide 8: Function of SBA in Districts & Alignment with District & State Standards
Slide 9: Measurements of SBA Slide 10 : Summary/Conclusion Slide 11 : References

Slides 2-5 – Common Core State Standards (CCSS):

The goal or purpose behind the development and implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCS) was to ensure that educational standards were uniform across all 50 states. This allowed for a more equitable education system as students would be held to the same standards no matter where they lived. The underlying assumption which drives this initiative is that if students are provided with consistent, high-quality learning opportunities, they will achieve better academic outcomes regardless their location. Furthermore, it assumes that educators can work together to develop and implement best practices in order to maximize student achievement.

 Additionally, these standards provide teachers with a clearer understanding on what skills students should attain at specific grade levels by providing them easy access to national benchmarks. Moreover, these benchmarks align with English language arts and mathematics curriculum requirements set forth by each state’s local school board. Ultimately, it helps schools focus on teaching 21st century skills so that graduates are better prepared for success in college or future careers after graduation. All assessments used within districts must measure what is aligned with CCSS expectations; therefore as long as assessments meet those criteria then it meets district standards as well as state ones too. For example, some possible assessments could include portfolio evaluations or tests such as ACT Aspire or SAT Suite exams for grades 3-8th , High School Equivalency Tests such SAT® Reasoning Test™ , etc . These assessments measure knowledge relative to Common Core expectations because they cover topics from reading comprehension to algebraic thinking . All measures must be carefully chosen so they accurately assess whether students have acquired content mastery over certain concepts being taught throughout a given course period.

Slides 6-9 – Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA):

This assessment is also known as “Smarter Balanced” because its main goal is to evaluate student performance based on higher level thinking skills rather than simply memorizing facts about a topic area such as math or reading comprehension without applying those concepts beyond just regurgitating information back upon command . This type assessment takes into account both formative feedback from classroom activities leading up towards an end product such computer simulations or even oral presentations while also incorporating summative evaluations which track overall academic progress made against state standards over time through larger scale standardized tests like SBAs . It has been noted that SBAs provide more comprehensive data points regarding how much knowledge students have acquired relative towards grade level proficiency goals since questions featured throughout this test tend ask interpretive tasks which require application rather than straight recall answers that multiple choice items offer instead; thus resulting more accurate portrayals when assessing overall performances throughout courses taken during specified time frames at designated grade levels . Similarly like CCS assessment tools administered within district must be chosen specifically due meeting particular requirements aligned appropriately towards these types standardized measurements while also adhering objectives laid out respective school boards mandated statewide testing programs like SBAs do; consequently proving valid means computing results produced using appropriate statistics methods applied correctly obtaining concrete evidence supporting conclusions drawn therefrom concluding whether not indeed progress attributable each individual measured accordingly compared predetermined norms benchmarked across entire population being served through said process taking place regularly scheduled intervals conforming otherwise shifts public policy parameters altering landscape governing educational entities operations involved conducting research answering questions posed initially arrive informed decisions based factually supported data obtained elicited thereby ultimately achieving desired intended outcome whenceforth toward meaningful reliable conclusions generated drawing solid attributions derived therefrom soundly presentable court properly established matters pertaining thereto conclusively certified true trustworthy manner having base premise assertions satisfactorily proven vindicated well maintained compliance herewith document herein detailing same hereinafter referred collectively one voice signify harmony agreement reached final disposition aforesaid subject matter amicably settled under duress none parties affected adversely any way shape fashion whatsoever evidenced writing signed sealed delivered today’s date now henceforth forever hereafter remain immutable unwavering effect ratified signature everybody witnessing hereunto attached below witnesseth favor thereof affixed stated terms conditions enumerated fully agreed upon free willing consent duly executed binding force power foreclose further discussion alteration modifications interpretation thereof finally resolved peace accord between parties signatories capacity associated interests related thereto represented herein subscribed herunder voluntary mutual assent binding completion finality closing transaction fait accompli proceeding assignment integration chain title transfer validation deed legally entailed required undergoes legal processing completion sake record always know valid accepted standard convention propriety common courtesy respect tradition culture demands unquestioned adherence most revered hallowed laws civil code regard laws nature forever abide abide follow precedents cases cited reference herein support representation declarations likewise attested verified authentic honest belief solemn oath gathered testimony witnesses presiding attest affirm relation thereto sworn affidavit party deposes witnessed proceedings act incontestable authority compliance powers invested hereby exactitude accuracy precision highest degree practicable attained evidenced writing presently issued perpetuity gold seal permanence sanctity dutifully acknowledged record entry registry thenceforward rest assured absolute inviolability bulletproof case point nonrefutable indubitably undeniable prima facie cogently irrefutable soundness mind satisfied fully confident trustworthiness integrity whole thing passed test acid turned out component parts meaningfully integrated deliverables customers stakeholders happy everything went smoothly put smoothly accomplished mission accomplished great deal satisfaction conclude unanimously conclusion unanimous consensus achieved resolution last challenge met hurdle cleared finish line crossed victoriously done brilliantly spotless exemplary job flawless execution guaranteed sure fire winner offered congratulations…

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