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Case Analysis Template:
1. Introduction or Overview:
Facial Recognition Technology is a rapidly developing technology that has the potential to be widely used in various applications such as security, law enforcement and retail. This case study examines the ethical implications of using this technology and, in particular, how it might affect people’s right to privacy. Dramatization or Falsification discusses the ethical considerations when creating content for news media outlets that may involve dramatizing or falsifying events or facts in order to make them more appealing to viewers. It considers the implications on truth-telling and accuracy as well as freedom of expression.
2. Primary Ethical Issues/Questions:
Facial Recognition Technology – Is it ethically permissible for companies and governments to collect biometric data from individuals without their knowledge? How much control should individuals have over which facial recognition technologies can access their biometric data and for what purpose? Are there any limits when collecting personal information through facial recognition technology? Are there any limitations on how long this data can be stored for and by whom? Do existing laws provide adequate protection against misuse of this technology?

Dramatization or Falsification – Is it ethically acceptable for journalists to omit details from stories in order to make them more appealing? Does freedom of speech justify dramatizing events or facts even if they are not accurate representations of reality? Should news organizations take responsibility for ensuring accuracy in their reporting even if it requires sacrificing some level of entertainment value? What are the ethical repercussions on truth-telling when journalistic ethics are disregarded? 3. Stakeholders & Their Interests:
Facial Recognition Technology – Governments, businesses (retailers), citizens/consumers (right to privacy).
Dramatization or Falsification – Journalists/media outlets (freedom of expression), viewers/audience (information needs met accurately) 4. Likely Outcomes & Potential Resolution:
Facial Recognition Technology – A resolution could involve laws regulating collection and use of facial recognition technology with clear limits set out concerning storage period, purpose, access rights etc., thereby protecting individual privacy whilst allowing legitimate uses such as security purposes etc.. Additionally, citizens should be provided with education about these technologies so that they can make informed decisions about opting into certain services that may use such technologies.

Dramatization or Falsification – A resolution could involve self-regulation by journalists/news organizations whereby standards regarding accuracy would be established before publishing stories; regular monitoring process put in place; steps taken towards public engagement so that views regarding accuracy issues can be heard; training programs developed wherein staff gets trained on fact checking processes; third party reviews done regularly etc..

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