• Log on to MAC OS on Host A.
• Click on System Preference
• Click on Network. The Network window opens.
• Click on Advanced
• Click on WI-FI Tap.
• List the name of three of the WIFI networks. Can you recognize the ZU WIFI Network among the list?
• Click on TCP/IP Tap.
• What is the IP address? List the IP Addresses of IPv4, Subnet Mask and the Router?
• Click on the DNS Tab above.
• Explain what is a DNS? List the IP Addresses of DNS?
• Click on the HARDWARE Tab above.
• Explain what is a MAC address ? List the MAC Address of your computer.
Record your computer’s network information using Terminal.
• Locate and open Terminal from Applications->Utilities->Terminal.
• At the Terminal Prompt, type ifconfig and press Enter. This will list all of your network settings, including the physical addresses of your wired and wireless hardware.
• What is the Physical Address and IP address for your connection, use the above image as a guide:
• Use terminal to find a Website IP Address. Use the same terminal. Type the nslookup
> For example: nslookup google.com
• List the address of google.com?
• Using your browser, type in the IP address and hit enter. What do you notice?
Reflection – Write about your experience with the lab activity. (The tools used, new information you learned, and how you navigated through the steps.)