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Title of the Podcast:
“How We Got Here – The History of Social Inequality in America”
Link to the Podcast:

I chose this podcast because it provides an informative and comprehensive overview on the history of social inequality in America. This podcast is hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, a veteran radio journalist and host at WNYC Studios, and she talks with experts about how our current state of divided politics has been building for generations due to systematic racism, sexism, imperialism and more. Through their conversations, we get a better understanding of how these systems have perpetuated inequality throughout US history since its founding.

Throughout the podcast, many different topics are discussed such as labor rights activism from workers in the early 1900s all the way up to modern day issues such as gerrymandering which has been used to suppress certain voting rights in communities around the country. I learned that while progress has been made over time when it comes to civil rights such as women’s suffrage or black individuals being able to vote without threat or intimidation, other issues such as unequal access to education or housing still remain prevalent today despite policy changes designed at eliminating them.

This is an important podcast for anyone taking this course because it provides us with a historical context on how social inequality has developed over time and why there is so much debate when it comes to current public policies related to equality today. While listening through this conversation between experts on numerous social justice topics throughout American history students can gain insight into why some people are so passionate about specific causes involving equal opportunity versus others who do not sympathize with those same causes and instead push for complete individual responsibility for one’s own personal success regardless of past opportunities provided or withheld from them originally due solely on things like race or gender identity amongst other factors beyond their control . Overall this podcast was educational not only in providing content but also allowing listeners an opportunity dive deeper into these ideas by following links included within each episode which lead directly into further research if desired upon hearing something interesting during any given episode segment .

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