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The ethical dilemma I have chosen is end-of-life decisions. End-of-life decisions involve making medical and other life choices for a patient when they no longer have the capacity to make them themselves. This can include decisions relating to whether to keep a patient on life support or not, as well as choosing palliative care over aggressive treatments.

The ethical principles that need to be considered when making end-of-life decisions are respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Respect for autonomy implies that the patient’s wishes should be respected and their right to self determination respected regardless of their current mental state. Beneficence requires that any decision taken should provide for the best interests of the patient in terms of both quality and quantity of life left available to them. Nonmaleficence implies that any treatment given must minimize harm or suffering whilst at the same time taking into account any potential benefit it may bring. Finally justice suggests that all individuals should be treated equally under similar circumstances without discrimination or bias based on age, gender, race etc..

The legal implications of end-of-life decisions will depend on where an individual resides since there may be varying laws governing this issue depending on geographical location. For example in some states there is a requirement for prior written consent before instituting a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order whereas in others verbal consent might suffice so long as two independent witnesses can verify agreement between doctor and family members/caregivers who are authorized to make such medical decisions on behalf of an incapacitated individual.

Personally I believe it is important to respect autonomy when it comes to making end-of life decisions whilst always striving towards providing beneficent care with minimal risk/harm as possible – taking into account each person’s unique circumstances along with their beliefs & values – guided by sound professional judgement & applying principles of justice and fairness across all patients involved in such difficult cases .

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