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Engagement and Distance in the Course
I felt most engaged with what was happening during the course when we were doing interactive activities or group work. The teacher asked us to apply our knowledge of the material through discussions, debates, or problem solving scenarios. By actively engaging with different topics we were able to have meaningful conversations that really allowed me to think critically about what I was learning. Additionally, by working in groups and collaborating, it created a sense of camaraderie where everyone could rely on each other for support and guidance.

On the flip side, I felt most distanced from what was happening during parts of the course when there were lectures being conducted by the teacher. During these sessions it sometimes seemed like there was an emphasis placed on memorization rather than deeper understanding which made it difficult for me to remain interested for extended periods of time. Additionally, since these lectures required less interaction between students and teachers I often felt like my level of engagement decreased as well.

Action Taken That Was Affirming/Helpful
The action taken related to this course that I found most affirming and helpful came from some of my peers who took initiative in leading certain activities or discussions within our class sessions. They would take charge in organizing different tasks while also providing their own perspective on various topics that helped contribute positively to our conversations overall. This showed me how important collaboration is when looking at complex issues and provided a great example for how people can come together as both thinkers and doers even if they are your peers instead of instructors or professors themselves. It also demonstrated how valuable everyone’s perspective can be even if you aren’t considered an “expert” on any given subject matter just yet – something that will continue to be beneficial throughout my academic career moving forward!

Action Taken That Was Puzzling/Confusing
The action taken related to this course that I found most puzzling or confusing came from some members of our group who chose not to participate meaningfully during class sessions either due lack of preparation or interest in certain topics being discussed or debated upon. This confused me because it seemed like they weren’t taking advantage of all available opportunities offered through this particular class setting while simultaneously affecting the learning outcomes enjoyed by those around them who actively engaged with those opportunities instead (which wasn’t fair). Surprises From This Course

What surprised me most about this course was seeing how much impact individual actions (even small ones) had on collective outcomes over time – whether positive or negative depending on circumstances present at any given moment! For instance, one student might make a joke during class discussion but not realize its implications until someone points out its offensiveness; another student might decide against attending a meeting but then later regret missing out once details shared at said meeting become relevant down line; etcetera – all suggesting how powerful personal decisions can ultimately become over broader contexts — something I hadn’t anticipated before now!

Enhancing Learning Through Action
As a result of taking this course, I decided start making more active attempts towards enriching my own learning experiences through self-reflection following each session so that possible misconceptions regarding material covered get addressed sooner than later without having such misunderstandings negatively impacting future endeavors associated with same topic(s). Furthermore, I began connecting more deeply with classmates involved so as facilitate better dialogue between us (especially pertaining tough topics). Lastly, although already mentioned previously along lines similar vein here too: participating in group projects/activities whenever available so new insights emerge naturally – all helping ensure full utilization potential resources surrounding myself no matter where ends up getting applied next!.

Making Changes for Best Practices & Continuous Improvement Moving Forward
Going forward into future courses similar nature few changes recommend implementing spirit best practices continuous improvement lessons learned thus far include: 1) incorporating variety hands-on exercises activities supplement lecture format order create stronger bridge understanding theory reality 2) increasing frequency smaller assessments (such quizzes tests short written assignments) place larger exams allow professor monitor progress students throughout semester 3) encouraging greater peer collaboration across multiple levels provide additional levels support need arise 4) holding regular debriefing sessions collective feedback received help further refine teaching techniques applied 5) keeping clear organized records lesson plans notes document instructor’s delivery methods 6) being open flexible regarding technology tools used classroom promote efficient communication 7 & 8 ) finally providing supplementary materials outside classroom context enhance retention rates among enrolled participants follow up resource availability after completion courses respectively.. All suggestions hope help foster growth knowledge experience maximize engagement mutual benefit entire community!

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