After their investor relayed advice from prominent employment-law attorney Liz Ferguson, Mike and Emma
realized they need to quickly create an employee handbook to govern employee hiring, supervision, discipline,
and termination. They can later add information about benefits, sick-leave time, etc. As for now, they want to
avoid the mistakes that led to Mike angrily reprimanding a sandwich artist, who was fired or quit depending on
whom you ask.
Unfortunately, the attorney might charge an arm and a leg to compile their handbook — at least that’s what
they’ve heard. Thankfully, the busy entrepreneurs have access to the next best thing: a class of Business Law
students at a nearby community college. The class’s instructor couldn’t resist their offer of 30 cookies to eat on
the students’ behalf, so in exchange you were volunteered for the task of compiling recommendations for
Submarine City’s employee handbook.
Discussion Board Instructions
Part 1: Begin a Handbook Draft
Paragraph 1: Provide at least two links to articles about employee handbooks. Keep in mind Submarine City’s
handbook is intended for the fast-food industry with frequent employee turnover and that the shop is in an atwill employment state.
Paragraph 2: Referencing your articles and your own work experience or judgment, create a list of important
sections that should be addressed in Submarine City’s employee handbook. Explain why each section should
be included. What state and federal laws are most relevant for this assignment?