Dickinson (545) “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”
Frost (548) “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
Hardy (548) “The Man He Killed”
Shakespeare (555) “Sonnet 55”
Wordsworth (557) “Tintern Abbey”
Owen (607) “Anthem for Doomed Youth”
Elizabeth Browning (611) “Sonnet 14”
Eliot (613) “Preludes”
Pound (627) “In a Station of the Metro”
Shakespeare (628) “Sonnet 130”
Keats (654) “To Autumn”
Shakespeare (663) “Sonnet 18”
Keats (745) “Ode to a Nightingale”
Use three different imagery concepts (at least one for each poem) from Chapter 13 (or the imagery section in the “Imagery, Symbolism, & Allusion” powerpoint) to analyze three poems from the reading homework. What theme* does the imagery highlight? Refer to and cite specific lines from the poetry. Type the kind of imagery in bold in your post.
Respond in a structured, focused response. This isn’t a free-write in which you just jot down thoughts. Write clear, grammatical sentences, in coherent paragraphs, and use an appropriate tone. Your response should show that you are familiar with the texts. Do not offer a long summary or background information unless it is related to the question.