Compose in an electronic notation software (Musescore, Noteflight, Sibelius, Finale, etc). Composition must include:
At least 48 measures
The use of at least 2 sounds/voices/instruments
Correct use of rhythm and time signature
Correct use of a key signature (you can use the key of C – no sharps/flats)
Correct music notation conventions (stem direction/length/placement, correct bar lines, correct clef, etc.)
At least one use of each of the following:
Whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest, dotted half note
A clear form or structure (beginning middle end, ABA, verse/chorus, etc.)
Including lyrics in your composition is optional
A title that accurately represents your music
Compose another music in a DAW (GarageBand, Reaper, Logic Pro X, etc) Composition must include the following:
At least 90 seconds in length
The use of loops and your own programmed/recorded material
The use of at least 3 instruments/tracks
A clear and steady pulse aligned with the time grid
A clear form or structure (beginning middle end, ABA, verse/chorus, etc.)
A title that accurately represents your music
At the end add a reflection, answer the following equations for each composition:
Composition 1
Composition 2
Sample Solution