Briefly characterize and (c) relate the relevance of each item to a major theme of the canadian context or to political practice.(cca 110 words per item) .
1. party system
2. electoral reform
3. civil society
4. political culture
5. multiculturalism
6. women’s political representation
7. indigenous political activism
Part 2: six questions will appear on the test. (7.5% each) in an essay-type format. Please relate it in to the theme of the canadian context (cca 200 words per question).
1. How to assess the impact of Canadian civil society on the public policy process?
2. Assess critically the claims of the critics and defenders of multiculturalism policy.
3. How to reconcile the indigenous quest for ‘self-government’ within Canada’s constitution framework?
4. What can/should governments do about welfare by way of policy actions and how?
5. How to explain the lack of comprehensive government policy action on environmental issues?
6. Is Canada’s progressive trade agenda more of a façade that claims to address the distribution of wealth in society than a credible commitment to affecting actual fundamental policy changes?