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My plan moving forward is to have a meeting with Mr. Wong and the other members of the ELA department to discuss a plan for helping Mr. Blumenstock increase his student scores. It is important that this meeting takes places in an environment of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations so that everyone can come together in order to find a solution. Stakeholders who should be included in the conversation include Mr. Wong as department chair, all eight ELA teachers including Mr. Blumenstock, and myself as principal of the school. Questions we should consider when making our determination about next steps include: what are some possible strategies for improving students’ writing benchmark data? How can we provide additional support or resources to Mr. Blumenstock? What changes could he make to improve teaching practices?

When creating an action plan I must consider any relevant school or district policies that may affect my decisions such as teacher evaluation procedures or professional development standards set forth by the district office. Additionally I need additional information regarding what strategies have already been used with Mr. Blumenstok’s class, how often he meets with his colleagues during content team meetings and if there are any other factors impacting his ability to help students succeed such as lack of supplies or resources in general within the classroom setting that might be affecting their performance in general . The potentially positive outcomes of taking action would be providing more support for both Mr Webb and his students by coming up with effective solutions based on reliable data which will likely lead to increased student success within his class room while simultaneously encouraging collaboration amongst colleagues throughout future meetings concerning curriculum planning . The negative outcomes could involve stress among both teachers and administrators alike since it will require extra effort from all parties involved but these challenges can be surmounted through cooperation between staff .

My approach includes 3-5 specific steps : 1) Meet with stakeholders including upon completion written summaries addressing each individual’s input , 2) Analyze current data on student performance ,3) Establish a timeline for implementing new strategies 4 ) Develop assessment rubrics 5 ) Assign mentorships between ELA teachers & 6 ) Monitor results over next few months & adjust plan accordingly if needed . By following these actions ,lcourage dialogue around best teaching practices & promote collegiality amongst top notch educators at our school also promoting sustainable culture if collaboration trust learning & high expectations moving forward Ultimately this process should evaluate results achieved , providing ongoing feedback loop where necessary which will ensure that potential issues are addressed quickly when they do arise My hope is that this comprehensive approach provides adequate assistance for those involved allowing them due diligence required without feeling overwhelmed causing unnecessary tension

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