Required Readings:
– Bjornerud, M. (2020). Timefulness, Utopian and Scientific. In Timefulness: How Thinking Like A Geologist Can H
Princeton University Pres.
– Brenner, Neil, and Christian Schmid. “Planetary Urbanization.” GSD Urban Theory Lab RSS,
– Chan, Jeffrey K.H. “Urban Ethics in the Anthropocene: The Moral Dimensions of Six Emerging Conditions in Co
– Loder, Dave. “Monuments in the Age of the Anthropocene.”,
Optional Readings:
– Ghosn, Rania, and El Hadi Jazairy. “Leviathan in the Aquarium.” Journal of Architectural Education, vol. 71, no.
– Hein, Carola. “Global Landscapes of Oil.” New Geographies 02: Landscapes of Energy, Edited by Rania Ghosn
– Servigne, Pablo, and Renaud Duterme. “The Coming Collapse.” CADTM, 28 Nov. 2016,
Consider the following questions in your responses (you can choose one reading to respond to specifically, or cur
themes that were touched on):
– Marcia Bjornerud, “Timefulness, Utopian and Scientific”.
How does urban design currently plan and design for multiple time scales? What are some ways that you could s
and future time?
– Neil Brenner + Christian Scmid, “Planetary Urbanization” & Jeffrey K.H. Chan “Urban Ethics in the Anthropocene
What opportunities does ‘planetary urbanization’ present now that it has collapsed the scale of regions that lie in-b
Are there sites or instances on the planet that are completely safe from urbanization? Is there something that hum
– Dave Loder, “Monuments in the Age of the Anthropocene”.
How do you think urban design and other adjacent disciplines can take lessons from some of the works touched o
considerate of a conscious future?