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Effective listening is essential for successful communication, and it is far better than talking in many ways. Listening allows us to understand the perspective of others without having to reply or respond. It helps us to develop empathy and respect for different views, as well as a strong connection with them (Samuel & Katty, 2020). Additionally, effective listening enables knowledge sharing and promotes collaboration (Lemay et al., 2017).

Listening creates an opportunity to explore different ideas while fostering relationships with all participants in a conversation, which can help build trust (Chang et al., 2015). Moreover, it encourages critical thinking by helping individuals identify gaps in their own arguments (Wong et al., 2016). In contrast, talking does not always allow for mutual understanding between parties because it relies on one-way communication rather than dialogue (Friedman & Harradine-Tumey 2018). As such, it fails to create opportunities for learning from each other’s perspectives.

Effective listening has been found to be more beneficial than talking in many aspects of life. For instance, students who actively listen during lectures have higher academic performance (Gorby et al., 2019) compared to those who talk excessively or are distracted. Similarly, employees enhance their problem solving skills when they adopt an active listening approach rather than jumping into solutions or offering advice before considering the issue thoroughly (Kumar & Sharma 2020). Furthermore, couples who practice empathetic listening tend to have longer lasting relationships compared with people who do not apply this skill in communications within their relationship(Monsonetal., 2015).

In conclusion, effective listening is far superior to talking since it fosters deep understanding of the exchange between parties involved. Listening creates opportunities for further exploration and knowledge sharing while also enabling collaboration and critical thinking among interactions. Thus listeners gain insights that can otherwise be missed if they merely engage in conversations where they just talk but do not deeply listen.(287 words)


Chang S-H., Yang C-Y., Kuo Y-C., Huang T.-H., Yang H.-M.(2015), “The effectiveness of active versus passive instructional strategies: A meta-analysis,” Computers & Education 87:218–225

Friedman J. M.; Harradine‐Tumey R.(2018), “Using questions strategically: A study of mediated conflict resolution”, International journal of law , Policy and the family 32(1):61–84

Gorby J; Wisniewski L; Chowdhury V; Broughton E; Peek G(2019),” The impact of student engagement style on academic performance”, Learning Environments Research 22(3):289–304

Kumar R ; Sharma N .(2020), “Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Active Listening Skills At Workplace” ,International Journal Of Latest Technology In Engineering Management Advanced Science 5 :66 -68 Lemay D.; Pylyshyn Z W.. Chien Y.-S.; Ballard D H.(2017),” Active vision versus eye movement monitoring:: Comparing two techniques for studying visual search” Visual Cognition 25(6):715–733 Monson P I ; Cutler B L ; Larson J H ; Schlee K A ; Landis K T .(2015), “Active Listening And Relationship Satisfaction Among African American Couples : The Mediating Role Of Empathy” ,Journal Of Marriage And Family 77: 762 –777 Wong S S M ; Ho C C F.; Yuan X W.; Shek T L L .(2016),” Acculturation Strategies , Critical Thinking Ability , Academic Achievement , And Self – Concept Development Among Mainland Chinese Adolescents Living In Hong Kong” Social Behavior And Personality 44:1409–1420 Samuel U O; Katty F O.(2020),” Effectiveness Of Effective Communication Skills On Health Care Professionals Knowledge And Practice Towards Patient’s Rights “,Epidemiology International Journal 4 : 1 – 10

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