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The current education system in the United States is perpetuating social problems through its failure to provide equitable access and support for marginalized students. This inequity is seen in the lack of resources allocated to minority-serving schools, leading to separate and unequal educational opportunities; an overreliance on standardized testing that disproportionately affects underserved student populations; discriminatory discipline policies that target Black and Brown students; and a curriculum which fails to teach about intersectionality or disrupt systems of oppression. These issues are further compounded by the structural racism embedded within the schooling system, which has been built upon centuries of white supremacy.

For example, underprivileged racialized communities often have fewer resources for their schools due to disparities in funding allocation between majority white school districts and those with large numbers of people from racialized backgrounds (Glazer et al., 2017). Such inequities lead to poverty-stricken learning environments where there are dilapidated buildings, overcrowded classrooms, limited extracurricular activities such as music programs or sports teams, insufficient technology such as computers or tablets, few parent involvement opportunities, inadequate library books and materials (Carruthers et al., 2018), all making it difficult for teachers to truly engage their students (Gonzalez & Francis 2020). As a result of these systemic inequalities in resource allocation based on race/ethnicity/class status, low-income black/latino students face diminished educational opportunities compared their affluent white peers.

Additionally, standardized tests are another way through which social inequality is perpetuated within our education system as they fail to account for cultural context while also creating significant stress levels among minority students (Bergstrom et al., 2015). Furthermore, since high stakes tests can potentially be used against minorities during college admissions processes or deciding what classes a student will take throughout high school this leads towards increased feelings of pressure amongst Black/Brown youth who perceive that they must “overcompensate” academically in order gain acceptance into universities or maintain higher grades than their peers regardless if they’re actually capable (Heller et al., 2016). This cycle creates an overall environment where racism is deeply ingrained into our education system leaving black/latino communities at an academic disadvantage resulting from these oppressive practices.

Furthermore aggressive disciplinary tactics implemented by educators have long plagued our public school systems with particular attention given towards vulnerable groups – primarily young Black males – negatively impacted disproportionately by zero tolerance policies utilized by teachers resulting in suspensions or expulsions commonly known as “the school-to-prison pipeline”(Haselschwerdt & Gebhardt Ward 2019). Unfortunately due too many educators having implicit biases regarding certain demographic groups when combined with outdated disciplinary methods utilizing physical restraint techniques it not only increases tension between staff members but provides little resolution when dealing with conflict taught defusing techniques would prove more beneficial when handling situations involving violence.(Tettegah 2020) Lastly curricula offered at K12 institutions continue failing cultivate transformative consciousnesses among its participants largely because most textbooks contain hegemonic Eurocentric perspectives erasing much needed representation across multiple ethnicities disregarding history rooted beyond colonialism instead providing content focused solely on individual identities without including contents relevant toward individuals affected means academics become unbalanced devaluing everyone except White Americans remaining true today even though civil rights activists worked hard decades ago build bridges help combat systemic injustices enacted society.

Overall it seems clear that the public education system lacks both equity and accountability when it comes providing quality instruction all children thus reinforcing existing power structures maintaining oppressive regimes currently existent America requiring evaluation transformative consciousness action ultimately create meaningful change towards building better brighter future generations come .

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