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Cognitively Challenge Students to Think Critically:
1. As an educator, I strive to create a learning environment in which students are encouraged to think critically and make creative connections between the topics of study. I use activities such as discussions, debates and Socratic questioning to engage my students on a higher level of thinking beyond just memorizing facts or regurgitating information. By engaging in these types of activities, my students learn how to develop ideas based on evidence rather than their own assumptions or opinions. Furthermore, all assignments are designed with critical thinking skills in mind so that my students can apply the knowledge they acquire during class in real-world applications.

2. For example, I typically provide open-ended questions throughout lectures that require more than one answer from the student rather than simple yes/no answers or memorized facts. This encourages them to utilize what they’ve learned through research and analysis as well as their own creativity and insight when coming up with a response instead of simply parroting back information from lecture slides or readings without taking any ownership over it themselves. Additionally, I allow for plenty of time for discussion amongst the class itself so that different perspectives can be shared and analyzed together by everyone involved.

3. Integrating simulations into curriculum is another way I cognitively challenge my students while also providing constructive feedback on their performance along the way within a safe learning environment – something that is especially important now with remote learning being implemented across much of the country due to COVID-19 restrictions this year. Simulations offer hands-on experience for our students so that they can learn by doing instead of just listening passively; plus depending on what type we use it allows for me as an instructor to track our student’s performance objectively since mistakes don’t necessarily have tangible consequences like they would if working with actual materials outside of class (in most cases).

Support Student Learning Rather Than Just Assesses Retention Of Knowledge To Provide A Grade:
1. An effective method I employ when teaching is breaking down difficult concepts into smaller pieces so that not only do my classes become less daunting but also increase comprehension among all learners regardless of prior knowledge levels going into each course module or unit we cover – no matter how advanced or basic it may be relative to other courses offered at school overall.. This approach also eliminates bias towards certain groups who may not understand material as well due to language barriers/learning disabilities etc., thus increasing equity among all attending classes taught by me throughout semester(s) too!

2. In addition, I strive to support student learning through collaborative work environments where everyone has equal input opportunities on projects assigned whether individually divided up responsibility tasks assigned democratically among group members versus harder grades dominating members who struggle more often resulting lower scores (which happens more frequently than not historically). The idea behind this system provides more accuracy measuring individual member’s performances separately allowing teachers a better understanding regarding what areas need help improving upon compared against others gaining better mastery/skillsets within same project timeline given everyone allocated same amount resources necessary completing assigned tasking successfully ahead competing teams collecting award trophies ceremony end academic year celebrating achievement excellence seen school wide!

3 . Lastly , assessments go beyond multiple choice exams grading quantitative content retention ability solely focus testing qualitative “true understanding” concepts covered lectures / tutorials ensuring effectiveness instruction aiding learning process post graduations continue proving return investment taxpayers made entrusting us educators leading charge educating future generations citizens leaders society ! Includes surveys post tests presentations mock interviews role play scenarios sum upping competition friendly rivalries adding flavor reward recognition initiatives vast majority participate even though final winners determined tournament style brackets pitting greatest minds classroom head compete supremacy field win Fame Glory !

Support Instruction To Aid Learning:
1 . One key step toward effectively supporting instruction is having an organized lesson plan which I always take great care in developing before walking into each classroom session . Not only does this provide structure helps maintain consistency pacing presentation material , but also gives guidance points reference helps ensure subject matter fully covered intended outcome achieved success rate possible given circumstances allotted period time available complete tasks hand ! 2 . My goal every day striving teach impactful lessons relevant applicable context surrounding topic hand making sure objectives clear easily understood entire student body collective whole awaiting further instructions carry out assignment expectations outlined begin journey mutual discovery enlightenment ! Utilizes multi media formats including videos audio clips digital art simulations interactive games apps whiteboards smart boards break monotony traditional reading long text blocks maintaining high energy engagement actively participating activities accompanied visual stimulation aid memory retention recall rates longer periods later date recalling details retained during lecture occasions

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