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My eating habits have changed significantly since I moved to the United States from my native country. In my home country, meals were typically prepared with fresh ingredients and often included a variety of vegetables and proteins. Breakfast usually consisted of some type of bread or rice accompanied by a protein such as eggs or fish. Lunch was usually a light meal but dinner was the main event with family members gathering around the table to enjoy traditional dishes.

In contrast, my current eating habits in the US are much more focused on convenience than health. My breakfasts now consist of processed cereals and pastries while lunch might be take-out from nearby fast food restaurants. Dinners are still shared at the table although they tend to revolve around pre-packaged dishes that can be quickly cooked in the microwave or oven without any actual cooking skills required! I know this is not ideal for maintaining a healthy diet, but it does make life easier when time is limited.

I am slowly trying to change these unhealthy habits by preparing some traditional dishes from my native country as well as introducing healthier alternatives into my day-to-day meals using freshly bought ingredients whenever possible. This helps me stay connected with my roots while also allowing me to eat healthier and reduce processed foods in my diet overall!

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