1. Describe why diversity is important in the sustainability movement. Use evidence from the sources
2.Identify and describe one example from the sources where a perspective from a non-dominant group has helpe
the sustainability of a situation or community.
Read Davis, W. (2009) Season of the brown hyena In The wayfinders: Why ancient wisdom matters in the moder
Toronto, ON: House of Anansi Press, Inc. (attached)
Read through the first paragraph on pg. 6.
TEDWomen (2019). Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim: Indigenous knowledge meets science to take on climate change (
Skim the Position paper by persons with disabilities (Link: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?
page=view&type=30022&nr=261&menu=3170). Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform.
Read Sauder, K. (2016, March 4). When accessibility gets labeled wasteful (Link:
Listen to Carr Johnson, A. & Othon. L. (2016). Intersectionality (link: https://soundcloud.com/out4s/intersectionalit
Out4Sustainability (44:45)