- When are the following statements true?
The following symbols are used:
~ – negation,
- disjunction,
& – conjunction,
-> – implication
p & ~p v q
~(x v y) = ~x & ~ y
~(a -> ~b)
- Suppose the following patient’s data is in the system: age = 27, weight = 150, height = 55. Which alert will be produced by the rule below?
IF age < 50 OR weight < 120 THEN ALERT 1 ELSE IF weight/height > 3 AND age > 27
ELSE ALERT 3 - Suppose that A={Diabetes, Cancer, COPD} are diagnoses for patient 1, B={Cancer, Dementia, AIDS} are diagnoses for patient 2, and C={Diabetes, Liver Disease}
What are contents of sets: AB, AC, CB?
For all three sets, describe in own words their meaning - If p(A)=0.5, p(B) = 0.25, and A and B are independent.
- what is value of p(A&B)?
- what is value of p(A|B)?