A. Discuss two differences in how an advanced professional nurse advocates for an at-risk population in the community versus how an advanced professional nurse advocates for an individual patient in the clinical practice setting. Include scholarly source(s) as part of your response.
B. Describe how the advanced professional nurse will apply two evidence-based strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration within an AAT. Include one scholarly source to support your description.
C. Analyze data that validates a health issue affecting an at-risk population in the county or state where you live or work. Include relevant source(s) as part of your response.
Health Issue in My Community Binge Drinking
Data Source http://www.smcalltogetherbetter.org -> Database for San Mateo County
Target Population Affected (3 characteristics) 25-64 years old African American males
(identify just 1 social factor/condition that predisposes target population to health issue) Lack of access to alcohol counseling near the most affected area.
Recommended Policy Change Expand alcohol counseling near the area most affected and increase in-person hours to night instead of hot lines.
Liquor stores refer their customers on alcohol counseling area. More referrals would receive tax breaks.
D. Describe two characteristics of the at-risk population identified in part C.
African American Male in East Palo Alto
E. Analyze how a specific social determinant of health (SDOH) in the county or state is predisposing the at-risk population from part C to the health issue identified in part C.
F. Analyze how current policy is insufficient to address the SDOH identified in part E.
The relevant issues to address are that alcohol centers from San Mateo County is too far and hours are not ideal for populations abusing alcohol.
G. Provide a policy proposal to address the SDOH identified in part E. Include scholarly source(s) to support your policy proposal as part of your response.
1. Describe how the policy proposal could impact the health issue from part C.
2. Discuss how the policy proposal will address diversity in the population to ensure equitable distribution of resources.
3. Describe how the policy proposal upholds two provisions from the ANA Code of Ethics. Include relevant source(s) as part of your response.
4. Describe two actual or potential barriers in your county or state that impede the implementation of the policy proposal.