Use Diamond’s four reasons for why societies make disastrous decisions to analyze a historical disaster of your choice. How many mistakes did the society make to allow a disaster to happen?
Consider the following question as you write: What can we do (or could have done) to inform ourselves better when making decisions? The answer to this question should be your thesis statement.
Your introduction should include a thesis statement or claim which requires evidence for support. For support, it requires quotations from Diamond’s text, paraphrases, personal experiences, or yours or others’ observations. Your essay should have an introduction that describes your topic, refers briefly to other related texts, and provides a thesis statement; Fully-developed supporting paragraphs using quotations, examples, and discussion; a conclusion that reflects on your thesis and topic; and sentences that show effective usage of academic writing conventions and are well-edited for tense, punctuation and spelling errors, fragments, run-on sentences, etc.