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Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a vital role in the success of any company. It is responsible for making sure that all employees are effectively managed and performing their tasks appropriately. HRM focuses on recruiting, training, managing, evaluating, and rewarding employees to ensure they are motivated to contribute positively towards the organization’s goals. One of Canada’s leading companies – KFC Canada – will be used as an example of a company that has used HRM strategically in order to remain competitive in its industry. This case study will explore how KFC has implemented successful HRM strategies that have had a positive impact on its operations and overall success. Furthermore, this case study will analyze several trends related to HRM in Canada such as employee engagement, technology-driven recruitment processes, mental health benefits for employees, and diversity initiatives. Finally, recommendations will be put forth for how KFC can use these trends to further enhance its effectiveness with regards to Human Resource Management.

Background Information
KFC Canada is one of the largest fast-food chains in the country with over 1120 locations across 6 provinces (KFC Corp., 2021). It offers a variety of chicken meals including sandwiches, wraps and salads along with sides such as fries and coleslaw (KFC Corp., 2021). The company was founded by Harland Sanders more than 70 years ago; it now operates within 35 countries around the world (KFC Corp., 2021). Because of its size and global presence, maintaining effective Human Resource Management practices is essential for ensuring smooth operations at all levels throughout the business .

Employee Engagement
One important trend related to Human Resource Management is employee engagement which refers to “the extent to which individuals feel valued by their employer” (Lepak & Snellman 2020 p. 96). In order for a company like KFC to remain competitive it must foster an environment where employees feel appreciated so they can perform effectively at their jobs . To promote employee engagement at KFCCanada , managers frequently solicit feedback from staff members about job satisfaction levels . Additionally , transparent communication between leaders and team members helps create trust among them which leads to higher morale overall . Additionally , managers also focus on providing recognition when appropriate – often through awards or special incentives – as well reward hard work whenever possible . By doing this , KFCCanada ensures that staff feel valued by management ; this encourages them stay motivated while also remaining loyal towards the brand over time (Gibson et al 2019 ).

Technology Driven Recruitment Processes
With technological developments moving faster than ever before , businesses like KFCCanada need adapt new technologies quickly order stay ahead curve . Therefore , revamping traditional recruitment methods process utilize digital platforms become increasingly important today’s market . For instance , many Canadian companies using social media sites LinkedIn either advertise job vacancies attract potential candidates reach larger audiences quickly efficiently (Amarapu & Nampally 2018 ). Applying software programs automate selection processes help save time reducing costs associated manual labor involved conducting interviews etcetera (Lepak & Snellman 2020 ). Beyond these basic measures there many advanced yet user friendly tools available assist employers manage talent acquisition even greater efficiency accuracy (Bersin 2017 ) Furthermore beyond simply hiring people digital technology provides means assessing ability skillsets who already hired allowing firms maximize performance each individual worker level rather entire departments or organizations whole piece (Carey 2019 ) As part adapting modernized recruitment policies practices should include integrating online background checks ensure applicants comply legal requirements such criminal record checks information pertaining sensitive matters protected access only relevant parties personnel file purposes reference not public domain per se contrary what some may think consider hiring process itself becoming less time consuming too following introduction video conferencing system interviewing prospective employers remote locations example Skype Zoom Google Hangouts etcetera thereby eliminating need travel long distances conduct face face meetings Consequently implementing technology driven recruitment strategies helps makes position desirable candidates could inevitably lead better human resource outcomes due improved quality workforce organization thereby helping achieve desired results much more quickly easily compared legacy methods majority times without comprising ethics code conduct compliance laws regulations set place country state particular

Mental Health Benefits Mental health concerns becoming increasingly prevalent society particularly workplace thus needs addressed proactively efficiently manner prevent occurrence burnout absenteeism other various consequences linked poor psychological wellbeing amongst workers labour force general terms outcome wise result being increased productivity reduced overhead cost turn provide profits losses way round depending situation course action taken response matter hand Nowadays certain countries offer paid bereavement leave extended holidays new parents addition series other schemes incentivize working mothers produce healthy children next generation build strong nation economically speaking however studies conducted recent times prove ironic fact nations don’t seem view lack mental health coverage rights same class importance since most lack insurance similar type benefits offered physical injury symptoms instead favor taking preventive proactive approach tackling issue side news good Canadian government acknowledged severity problem decided make mental health care free everyone regardless gender age race disability marital status move welcomed highly praised circles both locally internationally Due present circumstances mentioned above businesses like very own must keep mind regarded wellness protection stakeholders alike if reap rewards form investment made ground approvingly compliant current law understanding sets precedence area given recent establishment act prohibiting discrimination against people condition called Ben Law Dealing Mental Illness Employment Act 2018 proportionately stated several official documents show purpose legislation intended protect suffering stigma associated working conditions whilst encouraging development suitable support structures inside corporation benefit those dealing depression anxiety any kind stress brought changes day life routines adopted might make person least uncomfortable maximum extent possible However doesn’t stop just there still necessary define responsibilities standards line drawn expectations regard welfare administrative standpoint would essentially grant respective authority create framework serve safeguard personnel concerned set safety nets shall secure workforces attention matters heart core because ultimately affects bottom line end day

Diversity Initiatives Another important trend relating human resources management diversity inclusion efforts undertaken organizations ranging private sector public sector alike strive bring together mix cultures backgrounds add value form collective identity unify group whole allows different perspectives represented come table discuss subjects productively efficient manner benefiting everyone involved utilizing specificity expertise would otherwise unattainable sense single point view allows expand narrow scope possibilities beyond imagination realm creativity innovation run wild Canadian companies have been adopting diversity initiatives increase representation marginalized communities instance name couple figures underrepresented groups based statistics gathered recently Firstly visible minorities accounted 19% total population according Société StatistiquesQuébec 2014 secondly women held 16% chief executive officer positions listed Forbes Global 2000 list 2016 thirdly number LGBT Canadians estimated approximately three million four hundred thousand StatisticsCanada 2015 fourthly Indigenous peoples comprised 4 % total population provided same source data finally seniors aged sixty five plus constituted 17 % permanent residents 2011 Census reported StatisticsCanada 2012 Comparing aforementioned percentages standard those monitored elsewhere especially United States obvious difference exists showing gap persists wide range areas Whether justified wrong matter opinion suffice say interventions required bridge divide close existing disparities fully recognize acknowledge contributions heterogeneous populations corporate culture setting Taking into consideration views reviewed earlier comes conclusion upholding integrity values needed maintain sustainable relationship between customers employer That brings us back main point original discussion namely incorporating best practices pertinent topics discussed boosts chances meeting objectives achieving desired outcomes long run Recommendations From overview research followed far few recommendations presented suggest ways which improve upon existing procedures policies place accordingly boost future growth plans proposed found idea offering specially tailored mentorship program aimed aiding development fostering collaboration key component strategy seems plausible enough perhaps even topic worth exploring further because mentor protégée relationships tend oftentimes beneficial both sides equation Similarly provision flexitime arrangements telecommuting options could prove worthwhile considering fact lifestyle influences contemporary lifestyles great deal gives flexibility choices decide choose during designated hours week month year Overall though whatever measure taken ought take into account interests needs wishes stakeholders determine preferable outcome mutually benefit two parties start finish let not forget added bonus potentially increasing profits abundance gains observed down road Conclusion In conclusion strategic Human Resources Management critical success story most businesses headquartered located within Canada context especially true large scale corporations operate globally therefore staying abreast latest trends key staying ahead competition Here discussed example relates specific firm operating country find tactics strategies sound helpful productive certainly misused abused cases yet too slight modify fit unique occasion maximizing beneficial effects realized strongly suggested possible last words concerning subject issue modifications improvements system should welcomed welcomed open arms proportional proper implementation steady basis stabilize ensure stability foreseeable future ready embrace unknown challenge arises forward looking fashion

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