Describe the issue addressed. Indicate why is it important and if this is an agreed-upon concern.
Describe what was accomplished by the study and what was not achieved.
Describe the methodology utilized in conducting the study. Determine if it was appropriate and justify your response.
Describe the study results and the contribution it made to the body of knowledge, if any.
Describe possible extensions to the research, if any. In what ways can the study be enhanced or modified to provide additional value? Discuss any limitations or assumptions held within the study and how they can be addressed.
Present the study’s experiment that will be reproduced. Be sure to outline the setup and resources utilized.
Determine how you will reproduce the experiment. Explain how your experiment differs from the original and in what ways were they the same. How do your results compare with the original results, and what conclusions can be drawn with the additional data provided by your experiment?
Finally, reproduce the experiment and document the setup, procedure, and results. Create any tables, graphs, raw results, or aggregate reports that would allow for direct comparison with the original study.