Create a database for a small e-commerce web site. As a minimum, it should include the following entities:
• Customer – name, address, city, state, zip, etc.
• Inventory – description, category, quantity on hand, unit price, etc.
• Order – date, payment info, etc.
• OrderDetail – typical shopping cart line items
• Supplier – vendor info to include MainPhone, SalesPhone, ShippingPhone, and BillingPhone (Inventory and Supplier start out as a N:M)
• StateFees – list of 50 states and the sales tax and shipping costs
The fee info is: 1) Charge 6.25% tax in Texas 2) Charge 8.25% tax in California, 3) All other states have 0% tax…. and 4) Charge $4 to ship to TX, LA, OK, NM, 5) Charge $8 to ship to AK and HI, and 6) Charge $6 shipping to all other states.
As a minimum, you must create Views, Table Functions, or Scalar Functions for the following:
• query to produce the extended price (a single value) for a given Order and a given Line Item.
• query to show all order activity details for a given Customer.
• query to show the total cost (cost of items + tax + shipping) for a given order.
• query to show the total sales (in $) for each month.
• query to show the total sales (in $) for each category of product.
• create a view to demonstrate the use of each of the functions above.