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Cultural Constructs: Cultural constructs refer to the ways in which cultures define and understand fundamental concepts, skills, values and beliefs. These constructs are transmitted through discourse and communication among members of a particular culture. Cultural norms, traditions, behaviors and expectations often guide how individuals interact with each other within a given cultural context (Schneider & DeYoung-Smith, 2019).

Social Cultural Contexts: Social cultural contexts refer to the social frameworks that exist within a society or community. This includes attitudes, beliefs, values and practices that shape how people behave in different settings. It can include everything from what is socially acceptable behavior in certain situations to the language used when discussing issues related to race, gender or sexuality (Gutierrez-Clellen & Baker-Sennett, 2014).

Community: Communities are groups of people who share common interests or characteristics such as geographic proximity or similar backgrounds. Communities usually have distinct cultures that members adhere too; these cultures may be based on social classifications like race/ethnicity or religion. Community activities typically involve shared goals such as education initiatives for children or development projects for neighborhoods (Chavis et al., 1986).

Workplace Disability Focus: Workplace disability focus refers to workplace policies designed to promote an inclusive environment for persons with disabilities. These policies may include reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities including adjustments to job tasks or hours worked; access to assistive technology; access ramps into buildings; modified workspaces; supportive counselling services; anti-discrimination laws and programs providing career training opportunities (Rehabilitation Services Administration [RSA], 2021).

Chavis DM et al., 1986 ‘Sense of Community Through Bonding and Bridging Social Capital’ American Journal of Community psychology 14(1): pp 63–81

Gutierrez-Clellen VF & Baker-Sennett J 2014 ‘Definition And Conceptualization Of Culture In Education Research’ Educational Researcher 43(4): pp 177–182 https://doi-org/10.3102%2F0013189X14537755

Reahbilitiation Services Administration 2021 ‘Disability Employment Initiative Homepage’ US Department Of Labor Accessed 24 April 2021 https://www2dolgov/odep/initiatives_dei htm Schneider BH & DeYoung Smith D 2019 ‘Exploring The Multidimensionality Of Culture In Educational Leadership Studies’ International Journal Of Leadrership In Education 22(3): pp 298–313 DOI 10 1017/ile 202003021

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