The purpose of this project is to give your team an opportunity to put all your learnings in this class into ‘theory
to practice’ mode and application. In essence, your team will act as consultants to a firm internal to your team
(i.e. a firm where a group member is employed and is facing a CS dilemma). Following all of the concepts,
theories, and overarching themes learned and discussed in this class, your team is asked to conduct an
organizational diagnosis of the chosen firm.
The focus of the diagnosis should be to determine where the organization lies on the sustainability continuum
described by Benn et al (2019): rejection, non-responsiveness, compliance, efficiency, strategic proactivity, and
sustaining. The team should gather evidence to support their diagnosis, including company reports, interviews
with management, and descriptions of the company as described in the business press. The firm your team
chooses can be external to the group, or internal if one of the group members is employed there.
The second part of the assignment is to design an intervention to take the organization to the next level (e.g.,
from compliance to efficiency, or beyond). How would you guide the organization through the change process?
(draw here both from Benn et al., 2019; and Spector 2013) Teams should identify which models of change or
transformation would best help the organization’s overall movement toward sustainability, and then use this
plan to create a roadmap for change. This roadmap should be a visual depiction of the plan that you can share
with the people who will be involved in making the change happen.
Teams should analyze the forces that may contribute to the organization’s evolutionary (incremental) and/or
revolutionary (transformational) path of change, as well as the forces that may work against the change (e.g.,
what are the barriers? Where do you expect resistance to change?). Your diagnosis and change intervention
should include recommendations for making the change “stick.”