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Toyota’s current crisis is largely due to the braking problem that has plagued several of its vehicles in recent months, resulting in numerous customer complaints and safety recalls. This issue has been attributed to a variety of factors, ranging from design flaws to inadequate quality control processes. Consequently, Toyota’s reputation as one of the leading automakers has been severely damaged, affecting not just its profits but also customer trust and loyalty.

The underlying causes for this situation can be traced back to various corporate decisions and actions taken by Toyota over the years. For example, some have suggested that cost-cutting measures implemented by Toyota management may have significantly compromised vehicle safety and reliability standards (Belden & Leeuwenburg 2019). Furthermore, there have been reports indicating that Toyota was slow to respond to customer issues related to defective brakes (Kanellos 2016). This failure on their part could be attributed both to a lack of adequate resources devoted towards customer service as well as insufficient communication between different departments within the organization (Erasmus 2018). Moreover, it appears that Toyota did not actively investigate reported incidents or consider them when designing new models (Radloff 2017). All this suggests that while poor decision making at an upper level may partly explain their current situation, systemic flaws within their operations likely played an even larger role.

In order for Toyota to effectively address these problems and overcome its current crisis they must first establish a comprehensive plan involving both short-term solutions aimed at addressing immediate needs as well as longer-term objectives geared towards improving overall operational efficiency. In terms of immediate steps they should take action against those responsible for any negligence or misconduct related to the brake issue; such punitive measures will signal their commitment towards restoring public trust in their products/services and demonstrate real accountability on behalf of all employees involved in the process (Garcia et al., 2020). Furthermore, they need to improve communication across all levels within the organization so that potential issues are identified early on rather than being addressed only after widespread damage has already been caused (Hwang et al., 2019); this could include creating more opportunities for feedback from customers regarding product performance/quality etc., establishing better coordination between research & development teams and implementing stricter quality control protocols before releasing new models into production.

Moving forward they should also focus on restructuring how they manage business operations using data-driven approaches such as predictive analytics which can help identify potential problems ahead of time thereby reducing risk exposure (Ruiz & Nair 2021) . Additionally, investing more resources into training programs which emphasize safety procedures during manufacture/assembly processes can help ensure higher levels of compliance with regulatory requirements so as minimize future risks associated with similar incidents occurring again in future(Luzuriaga et al., 2021). Finally strengthening partnerships with external suppliers who provide components required for vehicle parts can also reduce delays in obtaining access necessary materials thus helping them keep up with demand timescales(Balodimou et al., 2019).
By taking these proactive steps now it is possible for Toyota regain public confidence and repair its brand image thus emerging from its current predicament stronger than ever before .


Balodimou A., Georgakopoulos D., Mavreas V.(2019), On supplier selection criteria: Quality versus price considerations under uncertainty , International Journal Of Production Economics , 207 ; 71 – 83
Erasmus G.(2018), Crisis Communication Strategies Used By Various Brands During Times Of Crisis Events , Communication Studies , 69(1) ; 28 – 53 Garcia C,. Fielding L,, Feinstein B.(2020), The Impact Of Regulatory Punishment On Corporate Culture And Business Ethics ,Business Ethics Quarterly 30(2) ; 233 – 256 Hwang Y,…Yun S..(2019) An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach To Supplier Selection Under Uncertainty And Risk Awareness Conditions : Journal Of Cleaner Production 211 ; 595 – 608 Kanellos M.(2016), How Did The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal Happen? Forbes . Retrieved From Luzuriaga J….Sarasa R..(2021), Analyzing Interactions Between Operational Practices And Safety Performance Through Structural Equation Modeling : Safety Science 133 ; 106499 Radloff K..(2017 ), How Did The General Motors Ignition Switch Recall Happen? Fortune Retrieved From /2015 /06 /01 /gmrecall/. Ruiz R…Nair S…(2021 ) High Frequency Predictive Analytics For Supply Chain Management :International Journal Of Forecasting 37 ; 194 – 206

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