Based upon your research project, your paper should make explicit your perspectives on the issue depicted in
your selected movie.
Your paper should be well-written, 5 pages in length, and formatted according to Writing and APA
Requirements. Your paper should use four or more credible sources.
I’m a stickler for details and a tough grader. If you pay attention to your spelling and grammar, follow the
citation rules precisely, and avoid some common writing problems, you’ll be in good shape. However, If you
spend time carefully expressing your argument and backing it up with supporting textual details, you’ll be in
better shape. Now, if you want to produce a stellar paper, you’ll spend time watching the movie a second time,
demonstrate individual research and the careful expression of your own ideas, you are more likely in great
In other words, don’t just give me a summary of the movie because, trust me, I’ve already seen and could
probably quote directly from them.
Begin by introducing the topic linked to the issue (Introduction). You will then use a 4 or more resources to
gather facts about your issue (Body). Finally, you will report your findings or how this has impacted you.
Purpose: (1) increase your ability to research events relative to contemporary issues in criminal justice, (2) to
increase your understanding of contrasting viewpoints; and (3) to be able to critically evaluate information
regarding contemporary issues.
Potential Movies (Just a suggestion, you are free to choose your own)
American History X
When They See Us
Kalief Browder
Kids for Cash
Dog Pound
They Call Us Monsters
15 to Life: Kenneth’s Story
Cold Water
Prison Kids: A Crime Against America’s Children
The Central Park Five
Training Day
Summary of the Movie
Link to a Criminal Justice Contemporary Issue
Your Critique, pros, and cons of this issue
How did the movie impact you?