Discussion Board Prompts: (This discussion board has 2 parts: Please answer both prompts ~ Post them as
one posting.) Remember to reply to two peers.
Part I: Quality and barriers to conducting research
Visit the Agency for Healthcare research and Quality (Link) (Links to an external site.
https://www.ahrq.gov/)Explore the site, their mission and budget link. Choose one of the articles on patient
safety (some are listed under the “research” tab) that they provide reference to. Choose an option below to
analyze your article. You do not need to address the Stetler Model and the Iowa model-just one.
Summarize the article and evaluate an implementation plan based on the Stetler Model, identifying any barriers
to implementation.
Summarize the article and develop a plan of implementation based on the steps of the Iowa Model, identifying
any barriers to implementation.
Part II: Examine ethical issues related to conducting research.
Explore the American Nursing Association website and review its research guidelines. Compare them to the
founding principles of ethical research listed in your text.