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Concept 1: Attribution Theory. Attribution theory is a concept from applied social psychology which states that people tend to make attributions, or explanations of their own behaviors or the behavior of others. In this case study, Dr. Jones attributed Jamie’s poor performance in the course to lack of effort and an unwillingness to put forth effort into improving his academic abilities. He also assumed that Jamie was not capable of doing better because he did not take any initiative when asked for help. By making these attributions, Dr. Jones was able to more easily come up with a solution – giving Jamie a D grade in the course – rather than working with him on strategies for success in the future.

Concept 2: Social Influence Theory. Social influence theory is another concept from applied social psychology which focuses on how people are influenced by those around them – both positively and negatively – as well as how they perceive themselves based on others’ opinions and actions toward them. In this case study, Dr. Jones’s opinion of Jamie had much power over what grade he ultimately chose to give him; it is likely that if he viewed Jamie positively or had ever seen potential in him, he would have been much more lenient in his grading process than choosing a D grade outright without consulting anyone else or giving Jamie any opportunities to improve himself or explain his circumstances further before finalizing his decision (if at all).

Concept 3: Self-Perception Theory. This third concept from applied social psychology centers around how individuals form beliefs about themselves through observation and interpretation of their own behavior and experiences as well as other’s reactions towards them (e.g., feedback). For instance, due to Dr Jones’ consistent negative reaction towards him throughout the semester combined with his ultimate decision to give him a failing grade despite past successes, it can be inferred that Jamie formed negative perceptions about himself such as believing that he wasn’t intelligent enough or worthy enough of getting above a C+/B-grade regardless of effort expended into succeeding academically at college level courses overall – even though prior success suggested otherwise (i..e receiving A grades previously). As such observations led directly leadedto Jamies lowered self-perception towards academics leading into subsequent semesters potentially suffering consequences long term due lack self-efficacy & confidence lost during freshmen year

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