Choose a business report to evaluate. Answer 3-4 of the following questions related to it:
How effectively does the report tell a story?
How effectively are headings used?
How effectively are charts, figures, and/or other graphics used?
How effectively are research results presented?
Overall, how reliable and useful is this report? Explain.
What three aspects of the report would you like to model in your report writing?
What three aspects of the report do you think should be improved?
You can find numerous reports online; often these are white papers. Ideally, search for a topic of interest. For example, if you are interested in the future of shopping malls, you could conduct an Internet search with a search phrase such as future of shopping malls “white paper,” and you will likely find dozens of options to choose from. Spend 10 to 15 minutes to find a report that is interesting to you.