Commentary and Boundaries of Borrowed Material person using macbookObjectives:
Integrate summary, quotations, and paraphrases with your own ideas
Before you write, review Chapter 11, “Revising to Eliminate Plagiarism,” on pages 360-363.
When you write your Exploratory Essay as the culminating assignment for Unit 3, you will need not only to
document source material, but also intersperse borrowed material with your own ideas. This assignment will
give you a chance to practice the juggling act of writing paragraphs that include summary, paraphrasing, and
quotations; represent your sources fairly; respond to sources with your own ideas; and indicate clear
boundaries between your own ideas and borrowed material.
For this assignment, use one of the sources you used for Annotated Bibliography Assignment. Include the
following elements in your paragraph:
Introductory sentence that includes the author’s full name, the full title of the work, and some indication of the
author’s position on your issue question
Commentary and Boundaries of Borrowed Material person using macbookObjectives:
Commentary and Boundaries of Borrowed Material person using macbookObjectives:
Integrate summary, quotations, and paraphrases with your own ideas
Before you write, review Chapter 11, “Revising to Eliminate Plagiarism,” on pages 360-363.
When you write your Exploratory Essay as the culminating assignment for Unit 3, you will need not only to
document source material, but also intersperse borrowed material with your own ideas. This assignment will
give you a chance to practice the juggling act of writing paragraphs that include summary, paraphrasing, and
quotations; represent your sources fairly; respond to sources with your own ideas; and indicate clear
boundaries between your own ideas and borrowed material.
For this assignment, use one of the sources you used for Annotated Bibliography Assignment. Include the
following elements in your paragraph:
Introductory sentence that includes the author’s full name, the full title of the work, and some indication of the
author’s position on your issue question