Write a comprehensive review of a specific population group that has a specific health problem. It includes a needs
assessment, data, evidence-based interventions, measurable goals and outcomes, collaboration with a care
service agency/organization, and the role of the nurse as an advocate and change agent.
Write the paper in APA format 7th edition. Use level one headings (upper/lowercase, bold font, centered), The
paper should be 6 pages, excluding title page and reference page. A minimum of 8 resources is required,
including all scholarly references within 4 years (from peer-reviewed journals). For web sources, be sure to use
sources that end in .edu, .gov, or .org. Web sources from .com sites are not acceptable, including Wikipedia,
WebMD, etc.
1.Please write about the population Adult (African American and/ or Asian immigration if possible, please do
not write about Hispanic) of low-income and live in poverty In Oakland CA
2.specific health problem: can be DM, other inadequate nutrition …. Etc (
3. non-profit organization in Oakland
4. Please give a brief title for each section