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Describe the process of organizational change, including the roles that leaders and others play in implementing change.

Organizational change is a process of transitioning from an existing state to a new one. The purpose of this transition can be varied, ranging from improving efficiency and productivity to dealing with external threats or pressures. Regardless of the reason for changing, all organizations must go through similar steps if they are to successfully implement it. This paper will discuss these steps as well as the role leaders and other stakeholders have in making sure change happens smoothly and efficiently.



The first step in any successful attempt at organizational change is communication. Leaders must effectively communicate their motivations for instituting changes as well as what specifically needs to be done in order for them to be successful (Chana & Singh 2019). This communication must come from both top-level leadership such as CEOs or upper management and lower-level supervisors who can effectively relay information down through each layer of the organization (Mihaliz & Roth 2019). By doing so, everyone involved understands not only why the changes are being made but also how they should go about making them happen themselves. A lack of comprehensive messaging processes has been shown to lead directly to ineffective implementation efforts (Mukherjee et al., 2018).

After clear communication has taken place, there needs to be some form of commitment on behalf of those responsible for enacting changes within an organization before any long-term results will occur (Williams et al., 2019). Without personal engagement by those tasked with carrying out newly implemented plans or strategies there is little chance that any meaningful progress will take place (Yamamura 2017). Leaders need to set expectations early on while providing ample opportunities for employees’ voices and ideas to be heard throughout the entire process (Kumar & Petrova 2018). This gives workers ownership over their own workspaces which ultimately leads to increased commitment levels due feeling more connected with decision makers at higher levels within an organization.

In addition to ensuring widespread participation amongst employees during implementation processes there also needs support from outside sources throughout every stage along the path towards successfull orgnaizational chnagese . These outside sources could include customers/clients, vendors/suppliers ,and even competitors depending on what type of transition is taking place . Having ongoing feedback helps ensure that objectives are being met correctly while holding accountable anyone responsible for missteps during implementations(Yamamura 2017) . It may even open up innovative approaches not previously considered when brainstorming potential solutions for challenges faced by organizations looking at making positive transitions into their future states .

Finally after objectives have been set , decisions made ,and goals communicated then it time evaluate perfomance while continuously assessing whether changes need further adjustments or revisons durng ther implemntatino stages . It essential that performance measurements are accurate enough so as provide leadership teams clear understanding how far off course things may get during complex transformational periods(Teece 2008 ). Doing so allows senior executives make informed decisions regarding necessary adjustments personnel shifts , investments into training programs etc…in order improve realization expected outcomes sooner rather than later allowing organziations focus ahead with less distractions moving forward

In conclusion organizational change requires delicate balance between engaging internal team members while having continual input coming from outside influences bringing new perspectives understandings issues at hand before succesful transformations goals become reality . Leadership plays critical part achieving desired outcomes mobilizing workforce behind causes needing addressed setting expectations measuring performance whole along way until successes reached allowing organisations move confidently brighter future awaiting them

References:  Chana S., & Singh K.(2019) Role Of Leadership In Implementing And Managing Organizational Change Retrieved From Kumar P.,& Petrova M.(2018) Creating effective resistance againstorganisationalchange – Roleofemployees’voice Retrieved From https://doi-org..1037/apl0000270 Mihalic VZ,, & Roth WJ.(2019 ) Understanding The ComplexityOfChange Management Processes Through System DynamicsModelRetrievedFromhttps//wwwsciencedirectcomžsciencearticlepiiS2468451X18310560 Mukherjee D, Mahapatra S,. Swain B.(2018) Managing Resistance To Organizational Change Retrived From https://doiorgl037/0022388617753382 Teece DJ.(2008) Dynamic Capabilities And StrategicManagement : organizingforinnovationandgrowth RetriverdFromhttps://pdfssemanticscholarorg5f5b5f8c3fc70aa433a483209cc7e49619ecb pdf?_ga=219887628121934357 Williams ML,. Kempster SLN,. Ryder N,. Thompson H(20190 Exploring EmployeeCommitmentToOrganisationalChange Inthe Public Sector Context Retrievedfromhttps : //doi – org/. 10 977 / pAL 0000139 Yamamura EY(2017}Resistance To Change : Literature Review RetromeHttps//Ssrn comAbrastract = 3065984

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