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In recent years, there has been an increasing discussion surrounding the unequal treatment of girls in the criminal justice system. This has been driven by a variety of factors including reports from organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and research into how gender roles have traditionally influenced legal proceedings. It is unclear whether girls are victims of unfairness or beneficiaries of “chivalry” when it comes to their cases in court. In order to answer this question, it is important to explore both sides of the argument by examining evidence that points to gender bias and analyzing how chivalrous behavior may play out differently depending on context.

Evidence suggests that girls are often unfairly treated compared to boys within the justice system. For example, according to a report by Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), female juveniles are up to five times more likely than males to be charged with a status offense such as truancy or running away (Ahmed & Rosenbaum, 2011). Additionally, girls tend to receive harsher sentences for offenses than boys do; ACLU notes that during 2018-2020 period in Arizona alone over 70% percent of juvenile females received jail time for non-violent offenses while less than 50% males did so (ACLU nd). Furthermore, research has found that judges tended to be more lenient towards male juveniles who committed violent crimes compared with female ones (Brooks et al., 2017). All these examples point towards an overall trend where girls experience an unequal amount of scrutiny and tougher outcomes when going before courts because they are not afforded the same level of protection as boys do due solely based on their gender identity.

Conversely, some argue that there may be certain instances where young women benefit from what can be perceived as “chivalry” when appearing before courts—especially if they act feminized or perform obediently feminine behaviors typically associated with societal expectations regarding gender roles. Studies indicate this could include displaying emotions like fear or crying publicly which could create sympathy among all parties involved and potentially lead them act favorably towards her case (Gardner & Anderson 2020). The idea being that court officials may perceive these feminine displays differently from those made by young men in similar scenarios leading them give teenage girls special privileges such us leniency or lesser sentences compared with other offenders who don’t express themselves through traditional gender norms . Therefore , some suggest that although most cases exhibit forms of inequality , there might still be room for chivalrous acts which modern society would deem honorable —such us treating all sexes equally during decision making processes—to occur sparingly within legal systems .

Ultimately , it is difficult conclude definitively whether teenage girls face unfairness at hands justice system —or benefit from ‘chivalry’ instead — since different contexts will produce distinct results . However , multiple studies have provided enough evidence suggesting gender bias does exist throughout judicial proceedings thus affecting outcomes disproportionately negatively towards young ladies . Nonetheless , if done respectfully and ensuring equal protections regardless sex this type preferential treatment could also provide positive opportunities teenagers present themselves court personnel due its potential establish trust relationships between individuals involved process ultimately achieving better resolutions overall .

Ahmed M., Rosenbaum T.(2011): Girls Matter: Understanding What Girls Need From Juvenile Justice Reforms Retrieved online:

American Civil Liberties Union(nd): Juvenile Justice Fact SheetRetrieved online:

Brooks D.,Anne E., Emily B., Jodi F.(2017): Gender Letigitimacy Theory : Examining Unequal Treatment Boys And Girls In The Juvenile Justice System Social Sciences 6(10) : 301–309 doi: 104119876338987897249567

Gardner L.,Anderson K.(2020):He Said She Said: Teenage Attorneys Gendered Responses Before Family Court Judges Law Society Review 54(4) : 755 –785 doi :1011772006297783

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