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Childhood obesity is a global public health problem with an increasing prevalence. In the United States, approximately one in five children are considered obese and this number has been steadily increasing since 2000. This epidemic of childhood obesity has dire consequences on both physical and mental health, as well as other aspects of quality of life. The purpose of this research project is to investigate the multi-faceted causes of childhood obesity in the United States and evaluate potential interventions or actions that can be taken at multiple levels to reduce its burden.

Background & Objectives
The increase in prevalence of childhood obesity worldwide has had a significant impact on the health, social inclusion, financial stability, education and overall wellbeing of many children living in developed countries such as the US (WHO 2018). The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that between 2000-2016 there was a 10% rise in cases among 5–19 year olds globally; more than 20 million girls aged 5–19 were obese in 2016 (WHO 2018). The mechanisms leading to this phenomenon remain largely unknown however recent studies suggest it may be due to environmental changes such as increased access to energy dense foods and reduced opportunities for physical activity (Rolland et al., 2017). Furthermore, further evidence suggests that family environment may also play an important role with parental influence having strong associations with their child’s dietary habits and exercise level (Reed et al., 2019). It is therefore essential to gain insight into these factors in order to develop accurate strategies capable of addressing the issue effectively.

The primary objectives of this proposed study are:

1) To understand how socio-economic status influences access to healthy diets and opportunities for physical activity amongst US children aged 2–18 years old;

2) To identify risk factors associated with childhood obesity including dietary patterns; amount/type/location/time spent engaged in physical activities; screen time usage; sleep routines etc.;

3) To assess parental attitudes towards diet and physical activity along with their understanding on nutrition labels etc.;

4) To evaluate existing government policies on dealing with childhood obesity as well as current initiatives being undertaken by healthcare professionals or communities within each state.

5) To propose suitable multifaceted interventions tailored for different socio-economic groups which could potentially help reducing rates of overweight/obesity amongst American youth population.

This research project will employ a mixed methods approach combining both qualitative data collection techniques such as semi structured interviews alongside quantitative data gathered from questionnaires filled out by parents/guardians or participants themselves depending on age group they belong too.. Statistical analysis would then be used on quantitative data collected from survey responses while thematic analysis technique will be used for qualitative results obtained from interviews conducted. In addition secondary data sources such as governmental databases or scientific articles published about related topics would also be consulted when designing instruments for our study particularly those containing information regarding current legislation pertaining Childhood Obesity prevention efforts within US states . Furthermore given large size national sample needed , multistage cluster sampling design would most likely have employed allowing us capture representative groups across nation taking advantage certain probability sampling techniques like stratified random sampling . Lastly ethical considerations including obtaining informed consent forms participants prior commencing any fieldwork must fulfilled throughout entire duration project . Expected Outcomes: At completion stage , expected outcomes should provide detailed insights into risk factors contributing towards rising prevalence Childhood Obesity USA further providing effective recommendations helping combat issue few areas namely economical , educational , community based programs etc .. Findings should assist policy makers forging better guidelines emphasizing nutritional importance balanced diet coupled appropriate encouraging public health campaigns aimed improving lifestyle choices young ones thus decreasing chances developing chronic diseases later life . Moreover wide range suggestions approaches promoting active lifestyles tackling sedentary behaviour together proposing effective measures facilitating healthier eating habits families broken disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds should available conclusion phase proposed study aiming reverse effects already witnessed due increases weight circumference youngsters ..

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