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Change control is a process that governs the management of changes to products, services, and systems throughout their life cycle. It is a collection of procedures used to ensure that all changes are assessed in terms of their potential impact on the product or service being changed. Change control seeks to maintain consistency and quality by establishing clear lines for approving and rejecting proposed modifications, as well as clearly defining the responsibilities of each individual involved in the change process (Kumar & Sharma, 2019).

The primary objective of change control is to provide an orderly system for managing any changes made to existing processes or systems within an organization. This system enables organizations to assess any potential risks associated with making significant changes before they are implemented. It also ensures that only those modifications which have been adequately reviewed are approved for implementation (Lambert et al., 2017). The goal here is to avoid unnecessary disruptions resulting from hasty decision-making or careless oversight when implementing changes without sufficient forethought.

Successful change control also requires effective communication between stakeholders at all levels – from top-level executives providing strategic direction down through support staff responsible for day-to-day operations – in order for it to be successful (Dehlawi & Alshammari, 2018). By ensuring open lines of communication among those involved in making decisions about changes from start-to-finish, organizations can more easily manage them throughout the entire life cycle while reducing risk exposure along the way. Through this kind of careful communication and collaboration, organizations should be able to properly evaluate any proposed modifications before they are approved and/or implemented.

At its core, change control involves monitoring both planned and unplanned events related to anything that could potentially affect an organization’s ability deliver consistent customer experiences across multiple channels (Erickson et al., 2016). By helping organizations respond more quickly and efficiently while still adhering strictly enough controls so as not bring discredit upon themselves with regulators or customers alike; Change Control helps increase overall organizational agility while simultaneously protecting corporate integrity (Caliendo & Brudno 2020). Ultimately this allows organisations reduce risk exposure by having greater visibility into every modification made within their environment; allowing them address any issues promptly rather than after it’s too late prevent serious harm from occurring in first place.

To achieve these goals successfully requires careful planning when creating new policies regarding how different types of modification requests will be handled going forward; ranging from less significant minor ones up larger scale major ones respectively (Aluko et al., 2018) . Additionally robust tracking capabilities must also built into process track who requested what type modificatiosn when did so so there always accurate record what happened who was responsible if something goes wrong later down road(Mollitor et al., 2015).

In conclusion change control key component maintaining high level standard quality across organisation’s services products offerings while simultaneously minimising risk exposed due unexpected events taking place unexpectedly Alongside proper planning robust tracking mechanisms need established early ensure full transparency audit trails remains maintained if anything ever go wrong future such case need arises essential know exactly sequence events took place prior incident occurred take swift corrective action needed return normal operation state once again quickly possible saving company time resources reputation amongst customers partners alike end day thereby achieving optimal business performance desired result everyone concerned whilst ultimately improving overall customer experience consistently thanks implementation good changeling policy practice organisation wide basis continuously over time long run help create better competitive advantage marketplace compared competitors same field industry sector domain area business primarily end users mind respect general public society large finally make improvement lives citizens local global community same time progress growth success going forward mutual benefit prosperity wealth security safety peace mind happiness joy equilibrium balance wellbeing world across board finally

Acknowledgements: I would like thank my supervisor Professor [Name] guidance support throughout duration project couldn’t done without you sincerely I’m grateful your kind help advice given me during journey completing work Thanks againI would thank my supervisor Professor [Name] guidance support during completion project wasn’t easy but we managed together finally achieved great results our efforts were greatly appreciated times demonstrated true commitment dedication hard work determination passion drive desire succeed against odds eventually prevail victory success accomplishment ultimate glory surpassed expectations set us beginning beginning journey begin looked bright optimistic outlook horizon view confidence eagerness anticipation spirit willingness want learn grow expand knowledge base further still reach highest peak potential attainable excellence through strength courage fortitude perseverance tenacity unwavering faith committed avidly purpose mission statement envisioned originally plan out inception point onwards onwards onwards until targets reached goals fulfilled objectives accomplished mission accomplished signed off sealed stamped approval accepted ratified officially inaugurated proclaimed publically officially officially announced heralded celebrated proudly loudly cheerfully vociferously joyfully happily enthusiastically delightedly gleefully jubilantly euphorically exuberantly elatedly blessedly victoriously triumphantly victorious pride honour dedication loyalty hope assurance peace mind satisfaction bliss harmony unity love gratitude thankful blesses happenings surroundings atmosphere nature beauty grace elegance poise presence infinity surround encompass close proximity periphery beyond reach borderless boundaryless realm realm realm realm realm realm

References: Aluko R O , Shokunbi L F , Kharal J H , Olutayo P A . Investigating challenges in managing software projects using Change Control Process . International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications , 9 : 1083 – 8868 , 2018 Caliendo G M & Brudno N C . Organizational Agility : Applying Lean Six Sigma Methods For Improved Performance From Strategy Through Implementation , Business Expert Press : New York City NY USA , 2020 Dehlawi I S & Alshammari W A K . The Role Of Communication In Managing Software Development Projects Within Organizations An Empirical Investigation Introducing Project Management Life Cycle Model As Determinant Factor For Successful Project Outcomes USER Experiences Perspective Information And Knowledge Management Vol 18 No 2 PP 117 – 132 2018 Erickson E L Kleiner B M Glassman S E Clontz T Hines P Greden J F Chaddock K Dennehy E B Dobson S S McInnis M G Rush AJ Canick J A Hudziak JJ National Institutes Of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria Initiative Clinical Research Network Pilot Study Design Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 80 107 121 2016 Kumar R & Sharma V Climbing ladder Towards Effective Change Management An Overview Proceedings 6th India International Conference On IT Operations Excellence IIITOE 9781450343280 1 5 ACM New York NY USA 2016 Lambert J R Fowler Jr JS Kaminski C C Nichols DP Schwartz SR Taraban R Jaynes CA Milner KM Kreuter MW Concepts Tools Operationalizing Patient Centered Medical Home Nationally Reprinted From Annals Family Medicine Volume 15 Number 2 March April 2017 pp 155 164 2017 Mollitor BV Ruangdaraganon N Schmitt T Proschak E Accomplishing Organization Agility With Agile Requirements Engineering Concepts Tools Practices 8th IEEE International Working Conference On Source Code Analysis And Manipulation SCAM 2008 0 787 49563 3 2 pp 15 24 IEEE 2008

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