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The four theories I have selected are the biopsychosocial model of addiction, the disease model of addiction, the Spirituality Model of Addiction, and the Relational-Cultural Model of Addiction. These models represent different ideas in regards to what causes addiction and how it should be treated. Each model brings its own unique approach to understanding and treating addiction that incorporates a Christian worldview.

The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction is a comprehensive framework for considering physical, psychological, social factors that can contribute to or protect from addictive behaviors (Forde & Sertraline). This model acknowledges that people who have biological vulnerabilities such as genetics might find themselves more prone to certain addictions than others without those same predispositions. Additionally, this theory recognizes the important role psychological issues such as trauma or mental health concerns may play in an individual’s development and maintenance of an addictive behavior pattern. Finally this model considers social elements including family dynamics or environmental influences which may contribute towards someone developing an addictive behavior (Forde & Sertraline). From a faith based perspective this model is useful in recognizing how both human nature and external forces may combine together in order for someone to become addicted while also providing opportunities to help individuals remove themselves from these contributing factors through counseling or support groups led by Christians with similar beliefs (Falco et al.).

The Disease Model of Addiction has long been one of the most accepted approaches used when discussing substance use disorder (Falco et al.). In general this theory posits that individuals suffering from addictive behaviors can be seen as having “a chronic relapsing condition characterized by compulsive drug seeking [and] use despite adverse consequences”(Leshner). From a spiritual point of view this idea gives credence to biblical teachings about sin being something we are all vulnerable too but also opens up avenues for God’s grace by using terms like “chronic relapsing” which implies there are multiple chances for redemption available if you continue trying even after failures along your journey (Phillips & Bartel 2017). Additionally viewing substance abuse issues through the lens provided here allows us to consider other forms prayerful meditation on God’s Word can play in overcoming addictions since it emphasizes how non-substance related activities such as bible study can provide meaningful tools towards managing cravings associated with various addictions(Phillips & Bartel 2017)

The Spirituality Model explains drug abuse and other forms of added behavior patterns through looking at components like religious belief systems, practices surrounding spirituality/religion , family involvement in spiritual matters etc.(Miller 2004; Gartry 2007). From a faith based perspective this way helpful because it takes into account cultural aspects like upbringing within one’s church community when exploring how values tied closely with religion can shape decision making regarding alcohol consumption or drug use. Moreover grounding understanding within wider religious concepts provides multiple ways for counselors offering guidance from Christian backgrounds access resources necessary for helping clients address difficult questions related to their relationships with substances without minimizing importance placed upon nurturing personal relationship with Jesus Christ as savior (Burke 2008; Miller 2004).

The last theoretical orientation considered today is the Relational-Cultural Model which explores interpersonal interactions between humans alongside their moral compass when attempting understand why someone might develop problematic behaviors related drugs so alcohol consumption etc.(Miller 2009; Cook 2012 ).From Biblical standpoint adding relational component into conversation regarding temptations faced everyday makes sense given emphasis given throughout Scripture teaching us need healthy relationships people around us often times key determining factor stopping us engaging sinful acts out characterizing our lives .T his give great opportunity couples therapists utilize bible explore issues relating communication trust building marriage while simultaneously ministered connection couple spiritually allowing them connect closer each other want discuss matters pertaining faith openly partner encourage grow closer Lord Sincerely turn away dark things holding back true potential life could lead Lord meant them live

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