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The four theoretical models I have selected to discuss are Adlerian Individual Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Existential Theory, and Psychoanalytic Theory. Although these models differ in many ways, all of them share the objective of helping clients reach psychological health. Furthermore, my Christian worldview impacts how I view each of these theories and how they can be used to best help another person grow spiritually as well as psychologically.

Adlerian Individual Psychology is a model developed by Alfred Adler that focuses on understanding a client’s lifestyle choices and creating goals and resolutions based on their individual needs (Corey & Corey, 2017). This theory emphasizes that individuals are responsible for their own lives and must take action to achieve the goals set for themselves. This approach is beneficial because it does not focus solely on what has already happened but rather considers how one’s future decisions will affect their overall wellbeing. Additionally, this model encourages a client to develop self-awareness which allows them to recognize any potential areas where they may jeopardize success or compromise goals (Corey & Corey, 2017).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy developed substantially by Aaron Beck (Josin et al., 2020). CBT recognizes that our thoughts play a significant role in influencing our feelings and behaviors; thus making it possible for us to change “unhelpful thinking patterns” into more positive thought processes (Josin et al., 2020 p.7). As with Adlerian psychology, CBT takes an active approach toward personal growth; however it also emphasizes understanding past experiences while maintaining perspective about current situations (Josin et al., 2020 p.8). From a biblical perspective this means recognizing our mistakes from the past while relying on scripture for guidance when addressing present dilemmas so we can live life accordingly with God’s love being at the forefront of our minds.

Existential theory was formulated by European philosophers such as Jean Paul Sartre who believed that humans were free agents capable of making autonomous decisions even under oppressive circumstances (Owens & Edwardsen 2016 ). From an existential standpoint people must accept responsibility for the consequences resulting from those decision despite external pressures or influences; additionally this approach stresses having meaningful relationships with others as well serving something greater than oneself over material desires(Owens & Edwardsen 2016 ). When coupled with my faith ,this concept reminds me that acknowledging your actions brings freedom instead of shame because you know God loves you unconditionally no matter what.”

Finally Psychoanalytic theory holds Freud’s theories concerning unconscious conflicts in which irrational behavior would often stem due to unresolved issues from childhood(Davis & Goodwin 2018 ). In other words Freud argued there was some type of internal struggle within individuals caused by events during development which often led to impulses or conscious choices without awareness leading people down paths contrary to their values(Davis & Goodwin 2018 ). Within my belief system I believe taking part in psychotherapy offers support needed during difficult times enabling clients gain insight into why certain behavior occurs allowing them make changes rooted self acceptance rather than guilt .

All four approaches discussed above can incorporate cultural diversity if counselors move away from universalizing western concepts when working with clients different backgrounds .This could mean adapting existing interventions into ones better suited towards particular cultures or respecting traditions held sacred by particular populations while using evidence based practice methods with populations similar beliefs/values as your own .As counselors we should strive facilitate culturally competent care understanding diverse social dynamics without imposing judgement or assuming we know what’s best for someone simply because it aligns with view points held dear ourselves .

To conclude , though these models vary significantly there remains commonalities between them including encouraging autonomy , fostering meaningful relationships ,and accepting responsibility when making decisions regardless outside influences .Furthermore each can be applied through biblically centered therapy providing holistic treatments assisting physical mental spiritual needs clients face today .

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