March 29, 2021

Purnell Model for Population Sub-Group

      Identify cultural influences on health and decision-making. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following items
March 28, 2021


        The goal of this exercise is to develop useful case studies from the experience of students in the class to examine together […]
March 28, 2021

Have a care

      Tell me your thoughts how you felt reading about what one of the authors of our text went thorough. Does this make you […]
March 28, 2021


  Identify contraindications and precautions for the use of vaccines available (CO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6). Use recommendations from the Advisory Committee on […]
March 27, 2021

A lipid-lowering agent

      Discuss how the nurse would evaluate the patient who is on a lipid-lowering agent for its therapeutic and its adverse effects. Include the […]
March 27, 2021

Cardiovascular disease with diabetes

      Based on your data analysis project, develop a proposal that addresses the additional competencies you selected on your project proposal form. Requirements for […]
March 27, 2021

Opioid use/disorder during pregnancy

      Summarize and discuss the clinical characteristics and identify the appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic and screening tools that apply to this condition […]
March 27, 2021

Five stages of grief /hospice care)

      Describe the Hospice program. How does palliative care fit into the Hospice program. How are Hospice and the five stages of grief connected? […]
March 25, 2021

Company analysis in regards to COVID

    Pick a local company (FROM THE U.S) in your community and analyze if the information in the article and video to analyze the company […]
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